Chapter 9: Earthly Possessions

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(Y/N)'s POV

The aura within the airship was tense with the airbenders in danger. All we could do was worry and hope that Tenzin and the airbenders got to safety instead of capture, but knowing the skills of the Red Lotus now I for one have little hope. Korra was talking to Zaheer on the phone and I was right outside the room, from what I heard I must've come up in the conversation for her to react angrier than usual. She walks out clearly after releasing a deep breath. "He said for the both of us to come to the top of Laghima's peak at noon. Alone. Once he has us, he'll release the airbender's over to you at the temple." She informs her father and me along with everyone else in the room. Now with Zaheer's demands in place, me and Su figure out the two teams where everyone we care about comes out in one piece.

Later the plan is about to be set into motion and we part ways with Mako, Bolin, and Asami. Asami told me to not do anything drastic but she knows me, I can't sit back unless I've done everything I could. Tonraq has a moment with Korra and then comes up to me. "You both come back safe. And (Y/N) don't let anyone take your happiness away from you." He says and runs off after Korra warns him about Zaheer's hatred towards world leaders and next we were flying up the mountain on our gliders. As we walk I whisper to her, "Something isn't right." And she nods. Korra gives herself up after Zaheer threatens to wipe them out but I am still skeptical, Zaheer demands me to walk for the sake of Korra and I do without chains his first mistake. As Korra is about to hit the ramp I hear Mako on the radio saying that it was a trick. "Oh you screwed up now." I chuckle at them and airbend away alongside Korra.

Korra takes on Zaheer but is knocked down and now it's a standoff as P'Li takes on the metalbenders. "When will you learn it's for the greater good, my child?" He asked me. "I am not nor will I EVER BE YOUR CHILD." I yell at him in rage and charge. And he meets me in the middle holding me in a chokehold. "I don't wanna hurt you." He says. "Funny because I might as well kill you!" I grunted, flipping him off me and using my airbending to attack and knock him further back for me to grab Korra, but sadly I was knocked back by P'Li's explosion. I guess seeing Zaheer in danger by me worries her. Zaheer uses the time that I'm down to take Korra closer to the ship but Tonraq knocks him away and catches Korra as she falls being lifted high enough to firebend him through her feet. I run to Korra and Tonraq cuts the airship from it's ties leaving it to float away. Attack after attack the three of us were throwing at Zaheer but he kept dodging every single one. Eventually we knock Zaheer down but Tonraq misses the finishing blow but is blown off the cliff by Zaheer as retaliation. In the distance I see Lin knocked down and P'Li about to finish her but Su metal bends her chest plate around her head just as she was about to fire at Lin and blows her head off. "P'Li!" He yells. Korra goes to attack Zaheer with his back turned but he still dodges it and attacks Korra to the point she is knocked out and weakened completely. He knocks me back realizing he can't carry me along with Korra on his shoulder.

At that moment Lin and Su's words yelling at Zaheer to surrender were muffled and all I could do was focus on him. He was saying something to himself then looked at me, and stepped off the cliff with Korra on his shoulder. I then saw him fly off and that just pissed me off more. Happiness that's all I've wanted, all I craved, peace and balance wasn't something I come across often with others or even myself so when you see people like Korra and good friends like Asami and Bolin be taken away from you it makes you do drastic things. With Korra in my life it's like I'm floating in all the positive vibes you could imagine. So why would I let Zaheer take that away from me. I go and run to jump off the cliff and as I fall I channel Tula. May those you care for keep you balanced in life and in the wind. I open my eyes and I'm flying, I smirk and rush after Zaheer and blow him off course. We stop in front of each other. "Impossible you have nothing but your worldly possessions, how have you achieved flight?!" He yells enraged and in shock. "Simple I have a better life than you, my potential is far greater than you expected and I focus on those who make my life better, my worldly possessions are what keep me balanced in life and in the wind. And you kind of captured one of them." I tell them pointing at Korra and feel that tingling I get on my face when my eyes glow. He looks at me in fear and flies far away and fast too but I keep up as much as I can. The attacks he throws to try and knock me off aren't really effective especially with Korra on his shoulder, I see the airship leave in a different direction than where he's going to a circle back for him to believe I've lost him but really he's leading me straight to where the airbenders and Korra will be.

Soon I follow the Red Lotus to the caves and it seems there are more members than Team Avatar originally thought. I sneak to the biggest room where Korra is being held as I see her in chains surrounded by crystals. "What are they gonna do to you Korra?" I ask myself and go to fly to her but I'm pulled back by Ming-Hua. "You'll soon find out. Because we're going to do the same to you." Zaheer says and they tie me up in chains but this time to the ground since I only have airbending. Korra awakes and yells at Zaheer for killing her father and he sympathizes with her. He commands the other members to bring poison which I assumed was mercury. "STOP! Take me instead please. Take me!" I yelled, pulling at the chains they placed me in. "There is no stopping this (Y/N), if only you could join us." Zaheer said, turning to me. "You don't care, you never did, you made up all of that crap to sympathize with me, try and get on my good side but you never will be. And I know a part of you is guilty for every choice you made when it came to me, so I hope you rot." I spit at him. His face tenses and then softens in an attempt to calm himself. "It is clear you have power, maybe more power than the Avatar herself but even so I can't allow you to live. But it's ok, you will join your love in death." He says. Now I refuse to let Zaheer kill Korra. She doesn't deserve this, if anything I should be taking her place. If I get the chance the entire Red Lotus will fall by my hands, whatever it takes to keep my earthly possessions, whatever it takes to stay balanced.

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