here we are in the future!!! =D

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hey y'all been more than a I have a sneak peak of Book 4 because once again my best friend advised me to get up off my ass and finish this so here's a couple of reminders and changes to the timeline that a want to touch on when it comes to relationships and specific details.

1-  This Book along with any rewrites from here on out are going to be Mature and there will be smut and angst that I'll be attempting to write.

2- the Reader is now an OC; her name is Nekani, she/her and they/them pronouns, and honestly there is no physical vision for them other than the fact that her style is pretty gender neutral as previously described.

3- Dating Timeline: Book 1: Asami and Nekani were brief friends with benefits before Asami and Mako started dating. Book 2: Nekani and Asami start dating while Korra is going through a gay crisis between Book 2, 3, and 4. Book 3: Asami and Nekani broke up due to the stress and danger of Zaheer going after Nekani and Korra. (Basically Zaheer threatened Asami and Nekani tweaked the hell out about it and they broke up right person wrong time type sh*t) And finally, Book 4: Asami, Korra, and Nekani will all be getting together and the book will extend into the comics as well.

4- In Book 3 Nekani lost her left arm when fighting her father; he caused a rockslide and it crushed her arm badly enough to require amputation when they returned to Republic City. She now has even more reason to hate her crazy government hating father.

5- The Bisexual Bending Brothers are indeed getting boyfriends. Mako with Wu and Bolin with an OC named Jasper. (Mako will be getting messed with but I will acknowledge his character growth because I'm not gonna waste the potential there to make him a better person.)

Now...Onto the SNEAK PEEK

A slender woman, lightly tan skin and glasses that perfectly frame her face. The smell of incense filling the room creates a calming and open environment in order to allow clients to face the hard truths that haunt them. 3 years have passed and there Nekani sat, on a couch talking about their feelings. Nekani has hated therapy since starting a year ago but they know it's good for them. Especially since there's been some improvement. "Let's talk about Mako shall we?" Her therapist, Yuko suggests.

"That's not a good idea." Nekani asks, rolling her eyes at the mention of their...frenemy. That's the best way to describe the dynamic shared with the firebender now turned police officer. "Why not?" Yuko asks, ready to write things down, due to the fact Nekani tends to go into rants about their frustrations.

"Because he's infuriating and I can't let go of the past; his actions have caused me more emotional turmoil that I'm hardly willing to admit." She crosses her arms at this truth, going back to the times that she had put her heart and vulnerability on the line to please others, and then being shamed when taking back that power.

"Does Mako always tend to frustrate you like this?" Yuko asks, diving deeper to understand the recurring patterns that could have recently set Nekani back.

"I try my best not to give him a second thought. But it has been proving difficult."

"How so?"

"The airbending task force correlates with the police from time to time, and as a mission organizer it's my job to run point alongside Lin and sometimes Mako due to their ranks and knowledge of the city. I don't like the concept of having to run things by him like he's my superior."

"Would you think that adds to your anxiety with airbending? The concept of giving up power or rather sharing it."

The fidgeting begins, avoiding eye contact, the sudden sluggish concepts of time, as if the world froze around them the more Yuko dug deeper into Nekani's roots of life, the beginning of a mindset that has seemingly protected them since they've moved to the city. "I would say so to an extent. There's been hiccups but I'm doing decent when training the new airbenders. Um...Asami's prosthetic is... comfortable. I still haven't been able to airbend with it. I've been feeling empty lately about it. Flying gives me clarity, I think. It's always come natural to me since the rockslide."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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