Chapter 10: The Venom Of Tula

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(Y/N)'s POV

"When we get out of here none of you will survive." Korra promised our current enemies. Zaheer goes on to explain we can't because the chains are platinum, great it's gonna be even harder to get out. All I hope is that the others figure out a way to free us because to me we're sitting ducts. I try to meditate but any attempt results in one of the Red Lotus goons slapping me out of my trances, so now every person that does that is definitely getting beat up. "You look as if you have no humanity, let's change that shall we?" Ming-Hua says and forces my face to look towards Korra as they place the poison on her skin and naturally I start to tug at my chains. "It's ok you'll join her soon along with your pathetic mother." Ming-Hua taunts me. That comment just made me tug harder like a beast trapped in a cage. I was so close to grabbing her but the tension of the chains yanked me back. I could feel Korra fighting the poison but when locked eyes with me I could tell she tried even harder. The rest of the poison they had was on my skin and damn did it hurt more than anything I've experienced. It was quick acting too but I'm fighting it as much as Korra is. I could practically feel Tula running through but something was off and it wasn't because of the poison in my system. Flashes of my unnatural ability when I fought Vaatu flooded my mind and then that horrid memory of UnaVaatu growling like an animal and ripping Raava from Korra's body, it was savagery and beast-like. I mean Tula was created by Raava and Vaatu's energy, maybe there's a darker side to Tula I didn't take in at first. As I saw Korra enter the Avatar State and start pulling at the chains I started to do the same. As I pulled the veins in my arms glowed and it showed through my skin. I witnessed Korra not only stop Ming-hua from attacking her but she also threw her back with the rock attached to the chain so she couldn't get to me. I pulled even harder, my mind feeling foggy but the chains finally broke and started walking as I saw Korra blow the lava away from her and break her chains. She slammed down and Zaheer dodged her just in time and Korra pulled four boulders from the ground, the rage clear in her facial expressions. If we weren't in a life threatening situation I'd tell her she looks insanely attractive right now but yeah we have poison in our systems and my crazy government hating father is trying to kill us. Just before my father could flee I flew up to him blocking his way out.

Tilting my head at him I ask, "Now where do you think you're going?" He looks at me in fear and attacks me but I dodge it sadly giving him an opening to escape and I swiftly fly after him and just behind me Korra using her firebending to take flight. We chase after Zaheer fast; he swiftly dodges each attack Korra and I throw at him. I split away from my girlfriend in hopes of catching him off guard as he used a rock pillar as cover. My rage got to me and I performed my air attack so well it sliced the pillar he hid behind in half but he dodged it just in time. Korra goes ahead of me but gets hit by Zaheer and as he flies past her she gets knocked down a cliff, I rush down to help her and as I hold her back I look up to see Zaheer getting away and once again that wave of savagery hits me and I charge so fast you'd think it was at the speed of light. But when I reach him it's as if time stands still and an impenetrable sphere of air surrounds us both, Am I doing this? "You couldn't have just stayed away? Break Phi-Li out of jail and escape to live a normal life away from people, maybe even the government." I speak to him. "I was freed, given the gift of airbending to complete my goal, my purpose in life. Even in the afterlife I know you will never grow to understand. And my life like yours was never meant to have love forever." He tells me. "Yeah but then you came and now you're RUINING MINE. I was happy! And content I had come to terms with the fact you didn't want me and that was before I found out who you truly were. I thought my life WAS WORTHLESS. I thought that I was born to go through And now I promise if I die today... I'm taking you with me." I look at him, meeting his eyes swirling with fear and hints of terror and charge at him, breaking the sphere. I slam him into the side of the first cliff I see and hold him there punching him out of rage and pain but before I could land the finishing blow wanting to end his life I feel the poison take effect weakening me and making me fall, but before I can hit the ground I feel someone catch me, I open my eyes slightly and see Korra looking at me and her rage increase she places me on a cliff and earthbends the biggest boulder I've seen her bend.

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