Chapter 2

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"No, no. Allow me to explain. We are here today because there is a traitor here. Right within these walls. Shinsou, You will read these questions and record the answers of every staff member here. I'll go first as an example."

Nezu shoved the paper at Shinsou and he grabbed it while reading the questions in his head. Meanwhile, Nezu was positioned on top of a small table in the middle of the room. Shinsou pulled out one of the chairs and sat down before taking a deep breath.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, Go ahead Shinsou."

As soon as he replied Nezu sat up a bit straighter and shinsou's eyes grew a bit pale.

"Answer every one of these questions honestly."


Shinsou looked down at the list before reading the first question. You could see how much he was concentrating as he furrowed his brows and read the first question.

"Do you want to work at UA?"


"Have you ever wanted to or been a villain or.. Someone who purposely goes against society..?"


Aizawa could sense Yamada tense up next to him, They all knew their principle had some problems but they never imagined that he would want to do that. Aizawa reached up and put a hand on his shoulder which gathered a smirk from Midnight. Yamada turned his head slightly and smiled. Even Shinsou paused at the principal's reply, it took a second for him to gather enough focus.

"Do you still.. Have these urges?"


Shinsou nodded before writing his responses down on the small piece of paper. He took another deep breath before continuing. Aizawa dropped his hand from Yamada's shoulder and crossed his arms over his chest. Midnight rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the purple haired boy.

"Do you.. Wish to kill All Might, The symbol of peace?"


Shinsou suddenly relaxed and Nezu resumed his natural posture. All of the teachers let out a mutual sigh of relief. Nezu smiled before standing up on the table, the four remaining teachers looked around at each other skeptically.

"Now, Thirteen will go next while the rest of us wait outside. It will be easier without distractions."

Thirteen hung back while the rest of them exited the cabin, Nezu, Midnight, Mic and then Aizawa. Aizawa closed the door behind him and jumped down the steps, heading over towards Yamada.

"Man! Shinsou's quirk is awesome!"


Aizawa noticed the cake but not Uraraka, There were also footprints of frosting heading towards the cabin. Damn kids, Can't even mind their own business can they? Ignoring Yamada's whine of protest Aizawa followed the footprints to behind the cabin where he found Uraraka and Bakugou crouched under a half open window.

"And what do you two think you're doing?"

Uraraka basically jumped out of her skin as she turned to face her homeroom teacher. His icy cold glare pierced through her skin and she even felt Bakugou suppress a shudder.

"You two better get out of here before you get in more trouble then you already are."

Bakugou turned and began to stomp off in the opposite direction of the cabin, you could faintly hear him mumble something under his breath. Uraraka bowed to Mr. Aizawa before scampering after him and being dragged away by none other than Mina Ashido. Aizawa reached over and slammed the window closed from outside the cabin, causing Shinsou and Thirteen to jump in their seats. He shoved his hands in his pockets before turning and going back to the clearing where Vlad king and Midnight were talking in Hushed tones.

"Sho! Where did you run off to, Leaving me all alone!"

Yamada whined, Making a point to talk loud enough for everyone to hear. Aizawa simply replied with a grunt.

"Wouldn't you like to know.."

Suddenly the cabin door opened and Thirteen Exited, Shinsou stood at the door with a ball point pen in hand.

"He is good. Vlad king.. Your next." 

Villain Aizawa (Traitor AU)Where stories live. Discover now