Chapter 5

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 "You know, Yamada, Kayama. I never went down easy did I?" 

Aizawa launched himself at Kayama and knocked her to the ground, Wrapping his scarf around Yamada's ankle in the process and tugging to trip him. Yamada fell on his butt and Kayama was knocked to the ground under Aizawa.

"Eraser, stop this!"

Kayama yelled from underneath him, Aizawa jumped off of her and retracted his scarf. By now every student in sight had their eyes on the three pro heroes, Those students were Kirishima, Mina, Tsuyu, Setsuna and Monoma.

"What's happening over there?"

Mina raised her hand up to her face as if to block out a non-existent glare from the sun. Kirishima shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. What were they supposed to do in this situation? Help their teacher? Why was he even fighting the other teachers in the first place?

"Not holding back, are you, Kayama?"

Midnight let out a low growl as she jumped up from her spot on the ground, Present Mic, However, Stayed put. He looked up at his friend from his spot on the ground, You could tell that he had no idea what to do. Kayama activated her quirk, causing clouds of pink smoke to surround Aizawa, Yamada and herself. Kayama throws herself at Aizawa, hoping to tackle him again and immobilize him with her quirk. However Aizawa quickly dodges to the side and Kayama lands on her face, causing her to groan in pain.

"Is that all you got Midnight."

He said her Hero name in a mocking tone, as if it were a disgrace. Aizawa had a piece of his scarf over his mouth and nose so as to not breath in the aroma, however, it was still getting through his scarf. If he wanted to escape then he would have to leave, Now.

"Sorry Sho."

Aizawa spun around just in time to get sweeped under the legs and get a heavy weight put on his chest. He blinked twice to see Yamada standing over him with his foot on his chest, Aizawa moved a tiny bit and Yamada pressed down harder on his chest.

"Don't... Don't move Sho."

Aizawa let out a small chuckle and a shaky breath.

"You caught me.. Idiot."

"Shut up..Just shut up.."

(The next few lines are a song reference, if you know the song please marry me.)

"I'll break your pretty face, Yamada."

"Just... Just shut your dirty mouth! You liar..."

"Oh Yamada.. I wouldn't hesitate, to smile while you suffocate."

Aizawa let out another gasp for air as the weight on his chest increased, you could hear footsteps in the distance as Vlad King, Thirteen and Kayama came towards them. Aizawa stifled a laugh, just the thought of squeezing the life out of his unexpecting friend made his blood boil.

"Oh.. What a lovely time, that I would surely have!"

"Mic, are you okay?"

Kayama and the others had arrived by then and stood around Mic and Aizawa.

"I will be... Just fine.."

Aizawa felt a sharp pain in his head and his vision went blurry, Just before blacking out he mumbled just under his breath.

"How Irrational..." 

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