Chapter 6

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"How irrational of me..."

~ L.O.V ~

Shigaraki cursed as he replayed the last transmission eraser had sent them for the third time. Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Mr.Compress and Kurogiri stood around him.

"Creep, are we gonna get him or..?"

Dabi asked as he paused the recording halfway through, causing Shigaraki to glare at him under his curly blue hair. Shigaraki wouldn't lose his king piece, there was no doubt that they had to get Eraser out of there.

"Yeah, We can't just leave him there."

Shigaraki mumbled as he picked up the remote with four fingers and rewinded the tape to hear his voice just one more time.

"Awww, Do you miss your boyfriend Raki!"

Toga brought her hands up to her face and an excited squeal escaped her mouth, Dabi snorted and walked away. He wasn't quite interested in any of this, especially not Eraserhead.

"I will fucking dust you, Toga."

Spinner and Compress quickly removed Toga and themselves from the room, de-escalating the situation as quickly as possible. Kurogiri stood behind Tomura, He was silent as Shigaraki replayed the recording once again before letting out a long sigh.

"Tomura, We will get him back."

"We better, He's in for hell when we get him back."

~ Aizawa ~

Aizawa opened his eyes, He couldn't see anything and he could feel tight bindings around his arms, legs and torso. He tried to move his head to the side and found that he couldn't even do that.

"He's awake."

There were so many things he wished he could have said, however a gag was preventing him from even closing his mouth and a Blindfold prevented him from seeing. They sure didn't take any risks tying him up.

"Want me to get Nezu? Or..?"

"Yeah, Don't be long."

Heavy footsteps could be heard leaving the room, Vlad King.. Or maybe All might. He could feel the stare of whoever was still there peirce into him. The person didn't say anything so it was impossible to tell who it was.


Oh. It was Mic, Why was he not surprised? The blonde must have been crying from the way his voice sounded, it was strained and quiet. Aizawa shifted his position ever so slightly and let out a distorted sigh.

"I trusted you Eraser. You betrayed us."

Small footsteps entered the room, along with the heavy ones from before. He felt a tug and the blindfold slipped off, He was in a cabin much like the staff cabin but empty. The only piece of furniture was the metal chair he was sitting in and the wooden stool Mic was sitting on. Before him stood a little white rat, Nezu. Behind him was All Might, Or, Small Might in this case.

"Ah, Eraser, Good to see your awake at last."

Aizawa didn't reply, more of he couldn't reply. Small Might took his place next to Mic, leaning against the wall of the small cabin.

"It was very unfortunate.. To say the least, To learn of your true nature."

Aizawa let out a small grunt and Nezu frowned, He placed his paws behind his back and looked over at Mic.

"Do the Honor of removing his gag, Mic."

Mic nodded and stood, Taking a step forward he removed the cloth from his mouth and Aizawa let out a small sigh before smiling.

"How kind of you Yamada.."

He said with a small chuckle.

"Now, Lets Begin with some simple questions." 

Nezu smiled, It was not a nice smile. 

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