Chapter 14

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"Interesting. I wonder how the boss will deal with them." 
~ LOV ~ 
Aizawa had fled from the room, He needed to find Dabi and ask him what his little comment was all about. Did they have a plan he didn't know about? After he put his life, honor and everything else on the line they were still keeping secrets from him? Had he not proven his loyalty? Honestly, time and time again he had proven himself to the League but they never trusted him. He had proven he wasn't a hero. He lost his closest friends in doing so. He had sacrificed so much for.. Him. For Tomura.  

He turned the corner, running into twice
"Eraserrrrrrrrr be more careful!- Watch where yer walkin you old fart!"  
Eraser shrugged it off and placed a hand on his forehead, 

"Right, Still a bit out of it. Hah.." 

Twice placed both his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes before walking past Eraserhead and down the hallway. God. He was like a teenage girl. Eraser had entered the living room, looking over to see Hisashi tied to a chair. He tried not to make eye contact with his friend as he stormed over to the mini bar where dabi was seated. 

"Eraser, Care for a glass?" 

Kurogiri was behind the counter with a bottle of wine in his foggy hand. Something about his movements and the way he talked reminded him of someone from his past, But he couldn't remember who.


The bottle of wine fell through a warp portal and landed back on the shelf as Kurogiri exited the room. Shouta took a seat next to Dabi, who had seemed to take up Kurogiri's offer. He took a sip of what looked like wine from a tall glass, not even giving a sideways glance towards Shouta. 



A thin smile appeared on the criminals face as he rotated his chair to face the Hero. Shouta thought he saw a hint of malice in the villain's eyes but it disappeared quickly and was replaced with disinterest. 

"I'm not gonna tell you anything, if that's what you want."  

Shouta was silent for a second before he stood up and slammed his fist on the table. 

"Stop keeping secrets from me! I lost everything to be here, I deserve to know what's happening!" 

Everyone in the room fell silent as Shouta stomped down the hallway and into his room, Slamming the door behind him. 

Shigaraki jumped as he turned around and saw Kurogiri standing in front of his door. This stupid cloud of fog needs to understand personal privacy. 

"What do you want."

Kurogiri stood there for a half second, he had been acting strange ever since Eraser had returned to the hideout. Though Kurogiri had only met Eraser once before, when they had first made a deal, Kurogiri already felt strongly about the hero. 

"You need to tell Eraser the plan."

The blunette rolled his eyes, Letting out a childish groan and falling back dramatically onto his bed as if he had been shot. The cloud of purple fog stood there silently, his bright yellow eyes glowed softly in the dim room. Shigaraki had fell silent. His hands rested across his chest as he stared up at the ceiling, suddenly reaching up to scratch his neck. 

"Just think about it Tomura." 

All that Kurogiri got back was a low grunt and the small sound of fingernails scraping off dead skin from old scabs. 
Spinner and Twice sat at the small sofa, both were holding a controller tight in their hands. Twice was basically button smashing and Spinner was tilting his controller as his vehicle rounded a corner. A classic game of Mario cart. The league was thankful for small things like this, it made them feel like normal people. Hisashi watched from behind the couch as the two men got worked up over a simple video game. 

"I suck at this game." 

Twice went back and forth with himself, contradicting everything he was saying. 

"Twice, you know your supposed to stay on the track right?" 

The lizard one they called Spinner had dark green scales and they glowed in the light of the small TV. He laughed as Twice drove off the side of the map and cursed to himself. 

'When they aren't killing people, or attacking people, they seemed like decent people.'

Hisashi would've kicked himself in the leg for saying that if he could, but he was still tied up. He needed to get out of there, but how? 
~UA, Teachers Lounge~ 
"What are we gonna do?" 

Vlad King was eager to find his old friend and bring him to justice. He was the first to recover from the shock of Eraserhead being the traitor, he claimed to never like him much. 

"Hisashi and Shouta are both missing... Do you think that Hisashi could've went with Shouta willingly?" 

Thirteen had their doubts about the tall blonde. 

"No! Hisashi would never. You know how strongly he felt about being a hero!" 

The heroes dark purple hair had been tied back in a pony tail, file cases about the league had been spread out on the table in front of her. She had looked through each one carefully, she knew everything about everyone in the league. 

"We are going to find Shouta and Hisashi. We have to." 

With that all the teachers fell into silence, exchanging nervous glances with one another. At this point, nobody could trust anyone. Just then a knock sounded at the door to the teachers lounge.

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