Chapter 3

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Vlad King entered the cabin shortly after, Midnight turned to Yamada and Aizawa for their attention. Aizawa really wished he could be left alone to think, but these were his friends. Until they all got through this he wasn't going to get a moment of peace. No doubt this whole thing had to be a test from Nezu. Who would crack first? Not him.

"Sho.. You good?"

A familiar voice broke through and pulled him from his innermost thoughts. Aizawa opened his eyes and they met immediately with Yamada who was standing right infront of him. He looked very concerned, As he should.

"Yes.. Im fine."

The door to the cabin flew open and Vlad King triumphantly came down the three cabin steps while Shinsou looked like he might feint. He glanced around at the remaining teachers, Midnight, Presentation Michael and Eraserhead.

"Mic, Cmon up dude."

Present Mic shot finger guns at Aizawa before heading up the stairs and into the cabin, Shinsou sighed before closing the cabin door behind him. It was surprising that there was little noise coming from the cabin, as Mic was usually loud and expressive. He must be just as nervous and concerned as the rest of us. Suddenly Aizawa got the feeling that someone was watching him. Midnight had her eyes on Aizawa, and a sly grin on her face.

"So Aizawa~"

He let out a long sigh, Now midnight would go on about how Yamada and him should get married since they already were basically fathers to Eri and Shinsou. Not to mention the connection they shared in childhood and the trauma they went through together.

"Have you ever thought of getting mar-"

She began, but was quickly interrupted by a loud shriek that could be none other than Yamada's. In the blink of an eye Aizawa flew up the stairs and through the door of the cabin. Mic was on top of the table and shinsou had his head buried in his hands, Aizawa looked around the room and nothing looked out of place.

"Sho! I-its over there!"

Yamada pointed to the floor behind the chair where he was supposed to be sitting, there sat a small spider. Aizawa couldn't help but stifle a laugh and send a glare at mic. By now the other teachers stood at the door to the cabin and watched a chaotic scene unfold before them. Aizawa carefully picked up the spider while a wide eyed yamada watched him. Aizawa walked over and threw the spider out the window, shutting it right afterwards so that no pesky students could conduct their own spy mission.

"You're a Wimp Hisashi. Absolute loser."

"How mean."

Aizawa had just noticed the teachers staring at them from the doorway, it seemed Yamada had noticed them as well. He sat back down in his chair and Aizawa could feel the embarrassment pouring out of him. Aizawa walked over to the doorway where the teachers were huddled in silence.

"Excuse me."

He said and they parted to let him walk back down the steps to the cabin, Midnight trailed after him and the other followed not short after.

"Awww Were you worried about him Aizawa? Now don't lie, I saw the way you flew up those steps!"

Aizawa said nothing, It was true he had rushed into action but that was just by default. That was his normal reaction to any scream. However Midnight seemed as if she was trying to push the fact that Aizawa was, in a way, attracted to Yamada.

"Cmon, Just marry him already!"

She half shouted and Vlad king looked away while thirteen seemed kind of concerned. If it wasn't obvious enough, Aizawa DID have a SMALL crush on Yamada but he was so blind that he just thought of it as something of a best friend type of love. He buried his face in his hands and before midnight could say one more embarrassing thing, the door to the cabin flung open and Yamada paraded down the stairs. Shinsou appeared a second afterwards and Nodded to Aizawa who headed towards the door. He passed Yamada on the way up and sent a harsh glare, which was of course returned with an ever so sweet smile. It was finally his turn. 

- Sorry it took me so long to write this part! Hope you enjoyed it though! What do you think Aizawa is gonna do to try and avoid being figured out? 

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