Chapter 9

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Over the next 2 days, Aizawa constantly faded in and out of consciousness. Going from force fed meals from Hisashi, to questioning from the rat, Nezu. He hadn't been thinking straight, however he kept up the lie that he wasn't working with the L.O.V, With Tomura. Hisashi had come to visit him, though he just sat and stared at Aizawa. Sometimes he cried, Sometimes he got a bit aggressive and Hit Aizawa or something around him. Hisashi wasn't trying to hurt Aizawa, He was just confused. He had a right to be, His best friend had just betrayed him after years of their friendship. It was sad to see his friend drugged and then the Information basically beat out of him. What made it worse was that his students were not allowed to see their sensei or learn the truth about him. They had pestered the other heroes with relentless questions and accusations but still had no information on what was really happening. They were going back to UA in two days, Aizawa would be going to a holding cell so that the other heroes could decide what to do with him. However, that plan had its faults. Aizawa would be drugged and knocked out before he was untied and loaded into a military vehicle. If the L.O.V wanted there to be any chance of rescuing him it would have to be in the period of time where he was being loaded into the truck.

Aizawa woke with a start, His cheek stung and he subconsciously tried to move his hand up to touch it before realizing he was still tied to a chair. In Front of him stood the Blood Hero, Vlad King.

"Been a while since I have seen you, Sekijiro. How have you been?"

Vlad King shook his head in disgust and reached for the gag that sat on the small stool. Aizawa watched him and took a look around the cabin. There was a small window on the side, Almost invisible because it had been boarded up. However he turned his head a little and saw the Yellow eye of a familiar student peering in. There one second and gone the next. Did he imagine that or..? A second later a gag slipped into his mouth and Vlad King exited the Cabin, Leaving him all alone. He turned his head slightly to look through the small area of the window that was visible, He didn't see anything now. Could it be that he had imagined that, was he going crazy? He sighed before his vision began to fade and he took a quick nap.

~ L.O.V ~

Shigaraki, Compress, Spinner and Dabi were perched in the treetops as Vlad King exited the cabin. Shigaraki let out a low growl and Spinner set a hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

"Not yet."

Shigaraki shrugged off his hand, He knew that. They had to wait until they untied Eraser and carried him out of the cabin. Dabi would go off to distract the pros while Spinner, Shigaraki and Compress dealt with whoever was transporting him. At Shigarakis command Kurogiri would open a warp portal and they would all be back to the base.

"I know, The last thing we want is-"

His thoughts here interrupted as a Blonde haired boy came out from behind the cabin and gave them two thumbs up. This was the signal that meant he was alone and alive, if he wasn't passed out that would be a plus.

"Do you think it would be safe to go in and check on him?"

Shigaraki mumbled under his breath, He just wanted to make sure he was okay. That was all.

"No dumbass."

"Rhetorical question Bacon Bits."

Dabi rolled his eyes and huffed as Shigaraki insulted his skin. Shigaraki didn't really have the right to do that, He obviously hasn't looked in a mirror lately. I wonder how long it's been since he took a shower, or just took care of himself at all. Then again Shigaraki was the one who gave Dabi a home, Before he joined the league he had been a homeless hobo.


He snapped out of his head at the sound of his name, Compress had called to him and everyone was glaring at him.

Villain Aizawa (Traitor AU)Where stories live. Discover now