Mermaid AU

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This one can be a little confusing, so let me explain it to you.

Basically, Tommy is a mermaid, but only has a tail when he is completely submerged underwater. That's it :]



      The boys giggled as they snuck through the gate that was supposed to keep visitors out after hours, tiptoeing past the guard box with the sleeping worker inside it. The moon glistened on the water below, causing the lake to have a beautiful reflection that was perfect to stare aimlessly at, just like they had predicted.

      Wilbur led the group onto the bridge, telling them where to go and what to do, ensuring they wouldn't get caught. They had done this plenty of times before, but Wilbur was always the one who led, even though they all knew what to do.

      Once they were out of hearing distance from the worker they passed earlier, they started talking. "Welp, here we are. A full moon and a perfectly still lake." Techno said, his eyes fixated on the water. The rest followed suit, copying his actions.

      "I told you this would be perfect," Tommy said, bragging about his finding that there was a full moon that night. This was the first time they ever got to encounter this experience with a moon like that. Tubbo rolled his eyes.

      "Yeah yeah. Shut up and enjoy the view." Phil hushed the others, to which they listened.

      The boys sat in silence for a good 20 minutes, all in their own peaceful minds, enjoying the beauty in front of them. Until that is, Tubbo saw something.

      "Hey guys, look over there." He said, pointing into the distance to some falling water, hidden by some trees and rocks. The others glanced over in that direction, eyes widening when they saw what Tubbo saw.

     "Holy shit, is that a waterfall?" Will said, completely forgetting about the lake in front of him. "We have to go check it out! Imagine the view!"

      "I'm down," Techno said, not seeming to care if they went to the waterfall or stayed where they were. Tubbo beamed.

      "Yes! How do we get over there?" He asked, already starting to walk in its direction, trying to find a safe walkway.

      There was a small path of rocks that lead to a little spot behind the fall, and it was perfect to fit all five of them. And so, they started walking down it, being careful with their steps.

      "Woah, this is so cool!" Tubbo beamed as he watched the water fall from the cliff above. The lake below them was about 50 feet down, a deadly drop if one of them were to fall.

      Not for Tommy, though.

      "We should come over here more often," Phil said, eyes locked onto where the falling water and the lake below met. Techno hummed in agreement.

      Tubbo started to walk towards the edge of the rocks to sit, only to be warned by the others. "Tubbo, be careful. Those rocks are slippery." Wilbur's concerned voice rang in his ears, and Tubbo rolled his eyes and glanced back at him.

      "Will, I'm fi-" Tubbo disappeared from sight, and screaming could be heard from below. The group started panicking, immediately going to see if they could catch Tubbo, but he was too far gone. And so, with a deep breath, Tommy jumped as well, diving into the waterfall so that the water would do its magic.

      His once two legs turned into a tail, and his feet became fins. He couldn't even imagine what the others were thinking. He started swimming, down with the water, until he caught up with a free-falling Tubbo, then dived out of the fall and caught Tubbo in his arms. Tubbo clung to him like his life depended on it, because it did, as they landed in the lake below, Tommy taking the hit by turning his body so that Tubbo was on top of him. It hurt, but they would both live.

      Tommy swam them to the shore, ignoring the pain on his skin. Tubbo still clung to him, not even questioning the tail that he had just grown since he already knew about it. When they got to the sand, the others were already down there to meet them, petrified looks on their faces.

      Tubbo took a deep breath, trying to calm the adrenaline rushing through his system. "Are you ok, Tubbo?" Tommy said, still caring for his death-cheating friend.

      "Yeah, I'm good." He glanced at Tommy's glistening tail, then back at Will, Techno, and Phil, suddenly realizing what Tommy had done. "Wait, you-"

       Tommy cut him off. "Yes, I know. It's ok, though." They smiled at each other.

      Wilbur blinked. "Uh, what the fuck?! Tommy, you just grew a fucking tail! What the fuck! Explain. Now." He said, crossing his arms as he stared at the tail flopping around in the sand. Tommy sighed.

      "Surprise! I'm a merman. Can one of you help him stand? I need to wait to dry off until I'm human again." Tommy started fanning at his skin, trying to get the water off it as soon as possible. Phil nodded, being one of the rational ones and helping the friend who just almost died.

      "And you've always been like this?" Wilbur asked, bewildered. Tommy nodded. "But, all the times we've gone swimming?"

      "Well, if you think back, I've never actually fully submerged myself in the water. I have to be completely surrounded by water for this to happen." He said, gesturing to the tail. Just as he did so, the magic took over one again, replacing it with human legs. Tommy smiled. "Ah, there we go."

      He stood and tried to catch his balance, only wobbling a little as he got used to his new form. "Why didn't you tell us before?" Techno asked. He didn't look shocked or scared, he just looked hurt. Probably because he kept it a secret for so long. Tommy softened his voice a bit.

      "You're not supposed to know we exist. Tubbo knew, but only because he saw me with the tail when he walked in on me showering." Techno nodded his head, glancing at Tubbo, who was still in Phil's arms, trying to stand.

      "So, you're like, a mermaid?" Will said, uncrossing his arms and showing the disbelief on his face.

      "Merman. The mermaids are women. I am a man." He stated, matter-of-factly. Tubbo finally spoke.

      "Thanks, Tommy," he said, letting himself sit back down on the sand. Tommy smiled at him.

      "Now, I would appreciate it if you lot didn't tell anyone about this. There's a reason we're supposed to be hidden." He paused. 

      "I trust you guys."

      The three blinked and looked at each other as if considering the option of telling others before Techno spoke up. "We won't tell anyone. Promise." Will and Phil nodded in agreement.

      Tommy smiled at them. "Ok, let's leave this place. It's probably really late anyway." The others agreed, and they left the waterfall behind, never to return to that spot after hours again.

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