Hair dye

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      Tommy slammed down a small box in front of Wilbur, causing him to drop his sandwich to the floor with an annoyed glare. "What?"

      Tommy gestured to the box that sat in between them. Will picked it up, raising an eyebrow as he read what it was. "Hair dye?" He glanced up at Tommy, who was fuming with rage.

      "We are dying my hair. Phil and Techno are out doin' shit, so I need your help to do it." Tommy crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently, getting angrier every second they spent that wasn't having the dye in his hair.

      Wilbur read over the instructions more closely, eventually coming up with more questions. "Why do you want to dye your hair?"

      Tommy grunted, uncrossing his arms so he could move them freely, making his explanation seem more dramatic. "Because! Tubbo dyed his hair and people went bat-shit crazy over it because they couldn't handle their favorite content creator changing their hair color, so they started insulting him for it! They said very mean things and it made Tubbo really upset, so I'm gonna be a petty bitch and dye mine too to support him."

      Wilbur leaned his head back a bit, overwhelmed by all this new information. It's been a while since he's seen Tommy this passionate about something in a rage-induced way. "Did you talk to Phil about this?"

      The boy rolled his eyes, snatching the box of red-colored dye from Wilbur's hand. "No, and I don't care what he has to say. Quite frankly, I don't care if I get grounded for the rest of my life. I'm going to do this." He started marching upstairs to the bathroom as Will followed, proud of his younger brother for doing something like this.

      Wilbur opened the box and read through the instructions once more before sliding the gloves on and getting to work. He globbed the red dye onto his plastic-covered fingers and ran it through the boy's hair like shampoo, being careful to get it on every strand.

      Just over an hour later, they were finished. Tommy's hair was neon red.

      He immediately ran to his bedroom, not even bothering to help Wilbur clean the mess they had left behind. Wilbur didn't mind as much as he thought he would, especially since Tommy had good intentions with his impulsive decision.

      The boy called Tubbo on discord, smiling brightly as he awaited the conversation.

      "Hello?" Tubbo's groggy voice said from the other end. Small shuffling could be heard in the background.

      "Sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked, suddenly feeling bad. The shuffling stopped as Tubbo gave him their full focus.

      "Kinda, but it's ok. It was only a nap. What's up?"

      "I have a surprise for you!" Tommy yelled, a bit too loud for Wilbur's liking, especially since he could hear it all the way from downstairs. "Turn your camera on, I want to see your reaction."

      A few seconds passed, then a light click could be heard as Tubbo's face popped up on the screen. He was wearing his pajamas still, but overtop he wore a hoodie with the hood up, completely covering his hair.

      At first, Tubbo had been proud of his choice to dye his hair. It was a bright neon pink color, as a preparation for a charity stream that was supposed to take place in a few days, raising money for cancer. But the onslaught of negative feedback from it just made him more and more self-conscious, and therefore, upset and regretful.

      Tommy's eyes softened at the sight, still replaying the memory of how Tubbo called him nearly crying because of it. That happened hours ago though, and now Tommy was about to hopefully make him feel better.

     "Ok, are you ready?" Tubbo leaned on his hand, resting his chin in his palm as he nodded.

      Another soft click and Tommy's camera was on as well, a huge smile on his face as he ran a hand through his hair one final time. "Ta-da!"

      Tubbo widened his eyes and sat straight up, staring at the screen in front of him. "You dyed your hair?" He asked, disbelief and thoughtfulness dripping from his tongue.

      "Hell yeah! Now if they want to make fun of you, then they'll have to do it to me too!" He crossed his arms confidently, smirking at the thought of getting to yell at assholes who dared insult his friend for doing something charity-related.

      Tubbo felt a smile grace his lips, and overwhelming happiness took over. "Oh my god, that's- Thank you... Holy shit... I'm-" He couldn't even manage a proper sentence. He was at a loss for words at the kind gesture his friend just made.

      The boys smiled at each other through the call. "No problem. Also, I look cool as hell. I'm like that red car from 'Cars'. You know, the one with-" His words were cut off by a scream from downstairs.

      "WILBUR! TOMMY! WHY IS THE BATHROOM SINK DYED RED?!" Tommy widened his eyes and frantically grabbed for his mouse.

      "Uh- Got to go! See you at the charity stream!" And with that, he left the call, leaving a smiling Tubbo alone to appreciate what a great friend Tommy was.

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