The Red Aura

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Ok, real talk real quick. I'm genuinely very proud of this chapter. I spent literal months going over these 2,000 words, doing my best to make it good, and I'm very happy with how it turned out. I was going to turn it into a book, (I even have a few other chapters written as well) but my motivation went brrrr and I moved on. Sorry :]

Also, this chapter is obviously not about the sleepy boys. It's about Dream and Dream only. (except for a bit of Techno at the end, but ya know) 

I promise this is the only time I will post anything non-sleepy boys related in this book. I just really want to share this. Enjoy!


      The city at night was always busy, no matter what time it was. Everyone rushing around all had a place to be, whether it was the night shift for their job, walking home with their drunk friend, or just simply enjoying the nighttime air. The street lights lit up the sidewalks and parking lots the best they could, but they were nothing compared to the light coming from all the buildings around. It's surprising that a place in Florida can have such a bustling city at all times of the day.

      Dream loved it.

      He loved to sit on the rooftop of a random apartment building, watching everyone down below, while simultaneously hiding in the shadows. Nobody could see him there, and just in case, he had a white mask covering his face, and a hooded green cape to cover his hair. Nobody knows who he really is, or what he can do. All they know is that he catches murderers all the time, helping the city immensely.

      He stared down at one specific person talking on her cell phone, a light red aura glowing around her, making her stand out from the crowd. Only Dream can see that aura though, and nobody knows that he can see it. He watches carefully as the woman keeps walking, getting more and more frustrated at whoever she is talking to, throwing her hands around, and her mouth moving to make it look like she's screaming at the person. Anger issues maybe? It would make sense since she's a murderer.

      The woman aggressively hung up and stormed off into a building of some sort. A casino, maybe? Dream can't really see the name on the sign from the rooftop. He silently follows her, watching through the windows to see what she's doing now. He sees everyone's gaze turn to her as she enters, her also violently yelling at everyone. "Get back to work!" She mouths out, and everyone scrambles to start sorting papers and looking through emails.

      The door behind her is slammed shut as she goes into a small room, and upon closer inspection, he realises, That's the manager's office. She's alone. Perfect.

      He adjusted his mask to be sure that it's on tightly, then jumps from rooftop to rooftop, keeping his eyes open for a way into that room. She's about three stories up with her window open, making her curtains blow gently through the incoming breeze. Thank god for windows.

      Silently, he climbs through, taking out his sword which made a noise equivalent to the sound of to forks rubbing against each other. The woman turned in fright and her eyes widened with fear as she saw who was standing there. Dream glanced up at the security camera he knew would be there, just to make sure that the red light was beeping so that the police could look at the recording later.

      The lady grabs her desk lamp since it's the nearest thing she could use as a weapon and threw it at the man standing there. Dream was quick with his sword and swung at the airborne lamp, shattering it and sending pieces of glass onto the floor. He smirked under his mask, knowing this would be an easy 'fight'.

      He walked forward slowly as she backed up into a corner of the room, not daring to try and run for the exit, unsure of what would happen if she tried. She was muttering stuff like, "What are YOU doing here!" and "I did nothing wrong!" but the second her back hit the wall and she couldn't back away anymore, she stopped being passive and went for a punch at Dream, which he saw coming, and quickly blocked it.

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