Memory Loss

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      Techno woke up with a yawn. The combination of sunlight from the windows and painfully bright lightbulbs above him made his head hurt, a strong headache piercing his skull. He could barely open his eyes, his senses being overwhelmed by his surroundings. The walls in the room he was in were a very bright white, adding to the pain in his head.

      He powered through it enough to try and calm the headache, raising his arm enough to pinch his nose. It felt heavy to move, and a sharp pinch startled him when he tried. There was a needle in his arm, pumping in all kinds of medication and liquids.

       Suddenly, Techno was much more aware of where he was. The white walls, the IV in his arm, the embarrassingly clean and thin sheets, they all pointed to the fact that was not in his home, but rather, in a hospital.

      Wait, where is home?

      He sat up abruptly, a fresh wave of nausea flowing through him as he did. The hallways outside his room were bustling with activity, most likely because he was in an emergency room, so he called out, hoping to get some answers. "Hello?"

      A nurse turned the corner to answer the call, her hair flowing in the breeze she created from the spin she did. "Hello! What do you need?"

      Techno raised an eyebrow, eyes tracking every person that was rushing around outside his door. "Uh... I just woke up...?" The kind lady dropped her smile, frantically looking around in the hallway for something or someone.

      "Oh! Wait here a second." Techno rolled his eyes, crossing his arms to help calm his nerves. As if I have a choice.

      A doctor came in moments later, giving a quick thank you to the nurse who led him there. "Hello! I'm Doctor Freeman. Can you tell me your name?" The man had a very big smile and very white teeth, making Techno a little nervous to answer. Nonetheless, he gave his reply.

      "T-Tecker? No, wait, that's not right... Tech... Tech-something?" Doctor Freeman's expression seemed to drop a bit as he wrote something down at his clipboard. His writing was fast, yet sloppy, something that most likely annoyed the other doctors in the building.

      "Can you tell me what you remember? What happened? Where you live? Who you are?" He set down the clipboard, going to a few cabinets in the room to take out some medication. There were multiple pill bottles, some of them containing tiny white pills, others containing huge red ones. God, he hoped he wouldn't have to take the red ones.

      "Um... no? Uh... I don't remember how I got here. We're in Europe... Brighton? I think so, yeah... " Glimpses of memories flashed through his brain, none enough to give the doctor any information he wanted though.

      "We are in Brighton, that's correct. Anything else?" Techno shook his head, the act of thinking proving to be too much for him as his head pain increased. The doctor hummed, handing Techno a fairly small white pill. "Take that. It'll help with the headache I'm sure you have. It should kick in in about half an hour."

      He nodded, gulping down the pill in an instant, not even bothering to wait for water. He just wanted to pain to be gone. "Your name is Techno. From what I've been told, you hit your head on a rock while sword fighting your brother. Speaking of which, your family is waiting downstairs for you to wake up. I can tell them to wait if you want, but seeing them might jog your memory a bit."

      To be honest, Techno was scared. He didn't like the feeling of his head being so empty, not knowing who he was or what was happening. There were barely any memories of anything or anyone, and it felt quite lonely. Even though he should have at least waited for the painkillers to kick in, he wanted that feeling to go away. So he gave a gentle nod to Dr. Freeman, and the man left to go get his family, which he couldn't even remember the names of.

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