Panic Attack

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Tw// mentions of abuse, alcohol, self-harm. 

Sorry if I described it wrong. I've never had an intense panic attack, so I had to research what it was like to have one. Feel free to correct me if I got something wrong :]


      "Alright. So I'm running low on content ideas, and since this is something big YouTubers do, Tubbo and I are going to read fanfiction. But I would like to say, we are not going to be reading any SHIPPING fanfiction since it makes us both uncomfortable. We are going to be reading, like, the family ones and stuff. I've been sent a few by my editor, so we will be reading those." Tommy said in one breath, eyes narrowing at the camera to warn his viewers. He unmuted.

      "Aright, I did the intro. Let's get started." He said to his friend who was also in the call, watching as the chat filled with people agreeing with Tommy in that people shouldn't ship him. "Which one should we start with?"

      Tubbo hummed as he scrolled through the list, trying to find one with an interesting title. "How about, 'Sleepyboysinc family ua'?" He said. Tommy clicked the link to that fanfiction.

      "It's 'au' not 'ua'" Tommy corrected. Tubbo laughed at his mistake.

      "Alright, let's get started." The two read through the first couple of chapters, occasionally laughing at the funny bits, and cringing when their characters did something that they would never do in real life. "Bro, imagine doing this in real life." Tommy rolled his eyes and smiled.

      "I would never hug any American." He stated, then laughed at his own joke.

      After the first four chapters, they got bored and moved onto another one. "How about this one? 'Family Issues' It sounds interesting." Tommy said, sending the link to the other. Tubbo hummed.

      "Let's see... 'Trigger warnings: abuse, alcohol, self-harm...' Jesus... Maybe we shouldn't read this one." Tubbo read off the very first line, widening his eyes at the intensity of whatever content was about to come.

      "Uh... How about this. We will read the first chapter, but if you guys are triggered by this stuff then please be cautious, ok?" He addressed his chat, and his viewer count went down a couple thousand. He sighed and looked back at his monitor with the fanfiction on it, scrolling down to read.

      He lowered his voice to read. "Tommy ended his stream abruptly, eyes glancing behind him as his dad stormed into the room. He was holding a broken glass bottle in his hand and anger filled his eyes. He stumbled a little, clearly drunk."

      "Oh my god. Guys, my dad is nothing like that." He scanned his chat, Tubbo's voice draining in the background. "Ok, let's keep going."

      "'Have you done your homework?' His dad slurred. Tommy gulped. 'No, but I can now-' His voice was cut off by a sharp pain shooting through his head. He fell to the ground, not surprised by his father's actions. 'I should have just lied' he thought."

      Tubbo said something, but Tommy didn't hear it. He was invested in the story, his breathing low and shallow. "Tommy tried to get up, only to be forced back down by a boot pressing against his back. He coughed and gasped, feeling as though his spine would snap if the man pressed even a little harder."

      Tommy felt a tingle in his back, not even attempting to make a joke. Tubbo stayed silent. "He waited for his father to leave, listening to all the horrible things he was slurring out, mostly insults. He let a tear fall to the floor, creating a small pool of water next to his cheek on the wood."

      He breathed heavier. "Tommy?" Tubbo said, concerned. His eyes flicked over to the discord, then at his face cam. He could see himself, panicked and wide-eyed. Why am I reacting like this? He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He glanced at his chat, seeing a bunch of people spamming, asking if he was ok. He took another deep breath, then looked back at the story, and started panicking again.

      Tommy felt tears prick in his eyes, and his chest felt heavy. He fumbled with his mouse, turning off his facecam and muting himself on stream. Only Tubbo could hear him now. He breathed heavily down his microphone, hearing Tubbo type away at his keyboard. He got a discord message. 'Are you ok?' Tommy blinked, and tears fell. He couldn't hold them in any longer.

      He typed frantically and messily.


      'Im pnaicmg'

      'Why am i panickung'

      'Fuck im cryign'

      'I dnt knwo wy im rying'


      He looked at his chat once again. People were concerned, spamming asking him where he went. But there was one message he looked at that caught his eye. It was simple, only two words, but effective.

      'Tommy, breathe.'

      And so, he did. He took a deep breath and felt his chest become a little bit lighter than before. He took another deep breath. The tears stopped flowing. Another breath. His hands stopped trembling.

      He continued this for another few minutes, letting both Tubbo and the chat worry while he calmed himself. Then, he cleared his throat, rubbed his eyes, and unmuted. "Sorry about that. Think I might have just had a panic attack or something." He turned on his camera once more. "So, let's not read that one anymore." He said, closing out of the fanfiction.

      "Are you alright now?" Tubbo asked, very concerned. Tommy smiled.

     "Yeah, I'm good now." Tommy scrolled through the list again, being wary of what he clicked next. "What about this? 'Sleepyboys Inc Oneshots'?"

      Tubbo huffed, clearly hesitant. "Ok."

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