Lucifer (2016) S01E10 "Pops"

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"You think one of us actually wanted to kill Pops?"

Lucifer decides to seduce a store clerk with a strawberry, only to be completely turned off when she says "Oh, God!" Lucifer stalks off, only for it to be revealed that he's at a crime scene. Lucifer's unusually upset at the murder - because it's Chef Javier, who made the best Mexican food he's ever had. Skewed Priorities aside, he helps Chloe with the murder, especially intrigued when it turns out that everyone at the restaurant lovingly called him "Pops."

Lucifer: This is patricide! A tale as old as time! Oedipus, The Menendez brothers, Voldemort!

His enthusiasm isn't dimmed when Penelope Decker, the "Vampire Queen", shows up at Chloe's job, and they promptly charm each other (much to Chloe's annoyance). Things only get more complicated when Lucifer decides to bring Junior, Javier's son, to cook for the Decker family - and Junior's under suspicion of being his father's murderer.

Above the Influence: Lucifer resists a drunken Chloe's advances, to his own bemusement.

Accidental Murder: Anne meant to kill Junior, not Javier.

Adult Fear: Trixie ran away when Chloe and Penelope are arguing with each other, worrying them both. Fortunately (unfortunately for Chloe), Trixie went to Lux.

Asshole Victim: Malcolm tries to paint Lucifer as this. Dan doesn't buy it, and tries to stop Malcolm.

Blatant Lies: Mazikeen answers Trixie's question (if a glass of whiskey is actually a Shirley Temple) in the affirmative, after putting a cherry in it for good measure.

Blood from the Mouth: Anne, as a part of her Wounded Gazelle Gambit.

Call-Back: When Chloe got a call about her mother, she left Lucifer on the curb like in "Sweet Kicks".


Daddy Issues: Chloe jokes about Lucifer having these. She's not wrong...

Junior also had issues with his father.

Mommy Issues: Similarly, Chloe herself has issues with her mother throughout the episode.

Dating What Daddy Hates: Javier doesn't approve Junior dating Naomi for being a drug addict. Even though Naomi is recovering, Javier still wouldn't support them. But we'll never know if he'll change his mind if Junior had the chance to tell him he's clean.

Drowning My Sorrows: Chloe, after "Dan" (really Malcolm) breaks up with her via text.

Dull Surprise: Junior's actor slips into this at times.

Fingore: Javier demanded a lot from his workers, though the unfortunate man who lost part of his finger did so by accident.

Fish out of Water: Maze, who comes to Linda for help over it.

Frame-Up: Anne attempts this on Junior after Javier's death.

Green-Eyed Monster: Anne over Junior, who was set to inherit the restaurant after he attempted to repair his relationship with his father, which drove her to try and kill him.

It's All About Me: Penelope was this during Chloe's childhood. She also tries to pull this with Trixie, essentially planning to use her as a prop.

Lucifer, meanwhile, is as self-centered as he usually is... until the end of the episode.
In the Blood: Despite Junior's attempts to get away from his father's legacy, he ends up inheriting it.
Chloe points out that drunkenly attempting to seduce Lucifer is something her mother would do.
Hair-Trigger Temper: Javier, by all accounts.
Irony: Lucifer notes the irony of being burned by fire when he's the devil.
After being annoyed at a woman saying it earlier, Lucifer finds himself saying "Oh, God," in the end, though for an entirely different reason.
Jerkass Has a Point: Chloe's upset that Penelope is walking in like she owns the place... but she does, and she's letting her daughter and granddaughter stay there for free. As Chloe immediately points out, though, he mother asked her to live there.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Dan, who refuses to let Malcolm simply kill Lucifer, even though he really doesn't like Lucifer.
Kill It with Fire: Anne sets the restaurant aflame in an attempt to get rid of evidence and kill Chloe and Lucifer after getting caught by them.
Love Triangle: Penelope mistakes Chloe for having one of these with Lucifer and Dan.
Mugging the Monster: In a deleted scene, Maze breaks the nose of a drunk guy who grabbed her thigh.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: While having dinner with Chloe, Dan, Penelope and Junior (who made the dinner he intended for his father), Lucifer caused an argument between them - though it did end up helping solve the case somewhat.
Dan: I wanted one reason to stick up for you. Just one.
Not So Different: When Chloe and Penelope start arguing with each other (thanks to Lucifer), Junior said it reminds him of his complicated relationship with his father.
Odd Friendship: Maze strikes one up with Trixie and Linda.
Pet the Dog: Penelope comforts her daughter after the case is solved, and makes it clear that she wants her to be happy.
Lucifer refuses to let Chloe kiss him, because she's drunk. Instead, he has a bit of a heart-to-heart with her and lets her fall asleep.
Real Men Eat Meat: One of the reasons for their strenuous relationship is that Javier doesn't support Junior cooking vegetarian dishes.
Right Through the Wall: Lucifer overhears a woman's Immodest Orgasm, and is immensely displeased when "Oh, God!" inevitably gets shouted.
Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Dan volunteered to take Junior to the station for a statement, after Lucifer caused an argument at dinner.
Dan: I'm happy to have an excuse to leave.
Skewed Priorities: Lucifer is far more worried about missing Javier's cooking than the murder of the man himself.
Supreme Chef: Javier was this - and so is his son (although the former used meat, and the latter is a vegetarian chef).
"Well Done, Son!" Guy: Junior, but despite this, Javier intended to give his son the restaurant, even though Junior didn't want it, which is also why Javier felt he deserved it. In the end, he plans to rebuild the restaurant into his own.
Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Anne poisons herself in order to throw suspicion off her.

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