Lucifer (2016) S01E13 "Take Me Back to Hell"

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I'm begging you. Please... take me back to Hell."
The episode picks up where the last one left off - with Lucifer being framed and Chloe about to arrest him. Lucifer, in the midst of a Heroic BSoD, refuses to be arrested and taunts one of the rookie cops into shooting him. But Amenadiel isn't about to let his brother die. Having gone through a Heel Realization since Maze called them both out, he decides to become The Atoner and help catch Malcolm. Lucifer, who's still had enough, decides to at least have one last hurrah by inflicting an infernal punishment on Malcolm.

Malcolm, who still hasn't been outed to the police, gets his hands on one of Mazikeen's daggers. But something (else) is wrong; Chloe doesn't think Lucifer's done it. He's a passionate man who Will Not Tell a Lie, and a single shot execution just isn't his style. Dan, surprisingly, believes it, because he realizes Lucifer's prints will be on the gun - which is precisely what Malcolm did to him. He and Chloe need to talk.

Back at Amenadiel's office, Lucifer takes the opportunity to make fun of Amenadiel's love of tropical musk-scented candles before getting down to business. They need a plan, and start arguing instead. Unfortunately, Linda walks in and confuses the brotherly squabble for Amenadiel stealing her patient. Lucifer clears the air immediately, but elsewhere, Chloe is having her own problems. Having dealt Dan a well-deserved punch for Gaslighting her, she tells Dan how to make up for it: by proving Lucifer's innocence. Having realized that Lucifer feels abandoned by her, she goes off to find him.

Back at Linda's office, Lucifer and Amenadiel have spilled the beans about being brothers - just not angelic ones, given that Linda won't believe it. While they're arguing with each other, Linda puts a stop to it, telling them off for their respective nonsense. Doing so helps Lucifer and Amenadiel realize what Malcolm is going to do - start a new life. And Lucifer knows just who to go to for that.

Lucifer: Damn, you're good!
Linda: Yep.
Chloe and Maze meet up at Lux, Maze is not happy to see her. Every day in L.A. was a party, until Chloe came along. And now, just to add insult to injury, Chloe is hunting Lucifer down. But wait, doesn't Chloe think Lucifer is innocent? She does, in fact. And while Maze isn't sure where her boss has gone, Chloe figures out that he wants to be punished - which means he's out to punish Malcolm. Maze, who still care about Lucifer, comes with her.

Elsewhere, Lucifer and Amenadiel crash a funeral (and point out that a funeral is really more of a show for the living than the deceased, who no longer care). They need to speak to the funeral director, who helped Lucifer gain his mortal-ish identity. Lucifer gets the director to tell him about Malcolm's intentions - running, which costs a lot of money...

Maze and Chloe arrive at Malcolm's residence, where his distraught, terrified wife comes out with a shotgun. She doesn't care about Chloe being there, though; she's just worried her abusive husband will come back. Chloe tries to comfort her, but he spent all their money and verbally abused her before disappearing. Chloe and Dan speak on the phone, and they realize that while Malcolm doesn't have the money to run yet, he knows where to get it. Dan has to go, partially because Chloe hangs up in order to look into the matter further and partially because Lucifer and Amenadiel are in his office. They're looking for Malcolm, who's going to see Tommy. Lucifer tries his eye schtick on Dan, but it doesn't work until he asks Dan what he really wants, which is to atone. Having gotten the info they want, Lucifer and Amenadiel Stealth Hi/Bye Dan - in a room where Dan is facing the only door and the windows have blinds.

Malcolm, meanwhile, meets up with the elusive Tommy in order to rob him, and he's provided ample opportunity to rob him when Lucifer and Amenadiel arrive on the scene. Without Lucifer's mortality to hamper him, a Curb-Stomp Battle ensues.

Lucifer: Right, I should warn you... this is hardly a fair fight.
Maybe Lucifer and Amenadiel aren't such terrible brothers after all, but Amenadiel decides it's a good idea to split up. Having clearly never seen an episode of Scooby-Doo in his life, he finds out that Malcolm's got one of Maze's daggers the hard way. Malcolm's particularly gleeful at getting Amenadiel with it, but then has to run when Lucifer shows up. Lucifer can't bring himself to leave his big brother, despite all that's passed between them. Maze has a moment of horror when she realizes that it was her dagger that did this damage, telling Lucifer that she'll handle this and sending Lucifer off to deal with Malcolm. Chloe pursues Malcolm, too, but only manages to get his bag of cash. She reassures Lucifer that she's not out to get him. Lucifer no longer cares about his reputation, but Chloe won't simply let him go after Malcolm, because she likes working with him. Dan appears on the scene, and Lucifer thinks he's about to be arrested, but that's not the case.

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