Lucifer (2016) S01E02 "Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil."

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Agent Scully: Chloe shows herself to be one, refusing to believe anything supernatural about Lucifer despite his seeming use of Flash Step right in front of her (which is really the result of Amenadiel's abilities).
The Atoner: The paparazzo, Nick, who once harassed Chloe during her father's funeral becomes this. He's less than successful, but Lucifer sarcastically commends him for trying.
Broken Masquerade: Lucifer decides to make the preacher a believer via use of his Game Face.
Chekhov's Gun: Every time Amenadiel has shown up Time Stands Still. When Nick shoots his protege, Lucifer prays to summon Amenadiel so he can pluck the bullet out of thin air.
Groin Attack: Lucifer kicks the killer in the bits.
I Am What I Am: Lucifer strongly considers embracing his nature as the Devil, going so far as to set up the kind of ironic punishment for the murderer that he used to arrange back in Hell. Chloe makes him snap out of it, though less by refuting this trope and more by making him realise that this is not in fact who he is anymore. The episode ends with him instead embracing the fact that he is changing in ways he doesn't fully understand yet.

Oh, Crap!: The killer, when he finds out the gun he's holding to shoot Nick has no bullets and when Nick tries to shoot him.
Old Shame: In-Universe, Chloe has still not lived down Hot Tub High School. She's not amused.
Reality Ensues: Trixie finds out about Hot Tub High School since she does have access to the internet.
Sanity Slippage: Jimmy, who completely loses it when Chloe mentions Lucifer's name.
Silent Scapegoat: Nick attempts to take the blame for the murder, instead of his protégé. It doesn't work.
The Sociopath: The killer is this, pushing his photography to the extreme in the belief that "There is no line."
Title Drop: Lucifer says the title of the episode in response to Chloe wanting him to keep an eye on him.
Troll: Lucifer calls down Amenadiel to admit that he really is changing... but mostly just to annoy his big brother and make use of his Time Master abilities.

Waxing Lyrical: Lucifer asks Chloe if she "kissed a girl and liked it" in her youth.

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