Lucifer (2016) S01E11 "St. Lucifer"

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"Oh, Saint Lucifer? Suits me, don't you think? I've always looked at do-gooders with pity."
The episode opens with a hungover Chloe, waking up naked in Lucifer's bed. Lucifer cheerfully proceeds to Troll Chloe by teasing that they probably made Rosemary's baby before stating that he turned her down. Chloe doesn't remember that, or any of the the parts where she hogged the bed, stripped off her clothes, or shouted:

Chloe does that sometimes, when she's upset - which she was, considering that "Dan" dumped her by text. Dan, who's been zip-tied by Malcolm (who intends to frame him for Lucifer's murder), has bigger problems. But enough about that! Lucifer relates to the murder victim, Tim Dunlear, a professional basketball player turned philanthropist. Lucifer offers to host the charity gala Tim was supposed to hold at Lux, but his charity high is killed by Malcolm, who's there to murder him, on Amenadiel's orders.

Wait, Amenadiel's orders? The same guy who doesn't have his father's permission to take a mortal life? The same guy who has no jurisdiction over Hell? Yep, that guy. And guess who's going to be waiting for Malcolm when he inevitably goes back? Yep, that would be Lucifer, who runs the place. (Well, ran.) Malcolm is just about to brown his trousers when Lucifer offers a much better deal: the Pentacostal coin, which functions as a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card for the damned. Malcolm knows when to quit while he's ahead, so he takes it, leaving Lucifer to breathe a sigh of relief.

And then the real culprit, Vanessa Dunlear, who'd been embezzling from her husband's charity, shoots Lucifer when he solves the murder. Luckily, he's fine! Which Dan finds out when he comes to rescue him, a tad too late to stop Malcolm or Vanessa. But that's okay! Lucifer's alright, and he's feeling charitable, so off Dan goes to have a couple of drinks while Lucifer and Chloe expose the killer.

Also, Maze and Amenadiel have sex in the back of a car. Maze was once Amenadiel's spy, now she'll be Lucifer's. As for Lucifer's on-again, off-again immortality? Chloe's the cause.

Amoral Attorney: Will Flemming, the victim's foundation's lawyer, initially comes off as an obstructive jerk to Chloe and Lucifer. It's eventually subverted, in that he works for the foundation for free, making a living through his corporate job, and genuinely wants to help its work, so when Chloe gives him proof of some suspicious financial transactions, he helps her verify her suspicions and catch the killer.
Anti-Magic: Lucifer realizes that Chloe is the reason he's been Brought Down to Normal. It only works around her, though.
Artistic Licence – Law: Argentina does have an extradition treaty with the United States on activity since year 2000. Which makes the affirmation of Buenos Aires being a paradise for foreign criminals a wrong statement (or Right for the Wrong Reasons, depending on your political stance, and that's all we're going to say about that).
The Beard: Vanessa functioned as this for Tim. She was fine with it, since it meant she kept a hold of Tim's "brand".
Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Vanessa plays the role of a grieving wife well, but she's a nasty piece of work beneath the surface.
Comically Missing the Point: Lucifer wonders why a homeless guy would take Tim's stolen ring to a pawnshop. The dark web is a much better place to sell it.
Didn't Think This Through: Malcolm doesn't realize that shooting Lucifer is a bad idea, until Lucifer spells the logic out for him.
Engineered Public Confession: Played with; Lucifer makes Vanessa confess to the murder - and her reasoning for it - at the gala.
Entitled Bitch: Vanessa thinks she "earned" the money Tim made though his foundation, and that it has no business going to a bunch of children in need.
Game Face: Lucifer's failed him, since Malcolm's literally been through Hell.
Gaydar: Lucifer's fails him, since he couldn't tell that Tim and Kyle were gay until it was pointed out.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Will Fleming, who's over-zealous about protecting Vanessa, but helps Chloe out with evidence when it's clear she's guilty. And he loves helping kids.
Karma Houdini: Lucifer points out that Buenos Aires does not extradite criminals - which makes him realize that Vanessa is planning to go there for that exact reason.
Kick the Dog: A deleted scene shows that Vanessa didn't just embezzle from the charity (which was awful enough), she specifically embezzled Emmet's scholarship fund.
Ignored Epiphany: Malcolm's time in Hell didn't appear to teach him anything. It's a Justified Trope, though; Hell inevitably drives its victims insane.
The Immodest Orgasm: Amenadiel has one with Maze of the non-verbal sort.
Implausible Deniability: Maze has lots of places to go... so she decides to go Troll Amenadiel.
It's All About Me: A wealthy socialite is upset that her therapist went on maternity leave. The nerve!
Lucifer, again. He manages to find a way to make Tim's charity gala about him.
Vanessa, meanwhile, decided that she deserved the money Tim raised for his charity, instead of a bunch of children.
Never Going Back to Prison: Malcolm's reasoning.
Noodle Incident: Amenadiel proves to Maze that he's not as boring as she thinks when he reveals that he was responsible for the goat thing that Lucifer hates so much.
Amenadiel: You know, I've waited a thousand years to tell someone that.
No-Sell: Lucifer's Game Face utterly fails to faze Malcolm, who's already been to Hell and back. Lucifer is perplexed.
Pet the Dog: Lucifer anonymously donates the rest of the money Emmet needed for his scholarship.
Resurrective Immortality: Lucifer's kicks in, right in front of an extremely shocked Dan.
Rich Bitch: Vanessa is this, albeit one wearing sheep's clothing.
Seen It All: Chloe barely bats an eye to Lucifer's antics anymore.
Shameless Fanservice Guy: Lucifer strips naked in a pawnshop to give Louie the homeless guy his clothes. Chloe's deadpan reaction says it all.
Chloe: And he's naked.
Something Else Also Rises: Amenadiel's wing pops out and breaks the car window while he has sex with Maze.
What the Hell, Hero?: Kyle, Tim's grieving lover, calls Lucifer out for bursting into song. He later gets called out by Chloe when it's clear his ego is getting in the way of the case.

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