Lucifer (2016) S02E01 "Everything's Coming Up Lucifer"

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Lucifer is distracted by his mother's escape from hell, as he and Chloe investigate the murder of a stand-in actress. Meanwhile, Chloe's faith in Lucifer is tested by the new medical examiner, Ella. Also, Amenadiel hopes to rein in Lucifer's wild side, as they both deal with the absence of Maze.

Actor Allusion: In a blatant Battlestar Galactica (2003) reference, Lucifer sings "All Along the Watchtower" immediately before the first appearance of his mother, who's played by Tricia Helfer.

Anti-Hero: Lucifer and Amenadiel thwart a bank robbery because they suspect that their mother is possessing the gang's leader.
The Butler Did It: The drug-dealer/killer is the set nurse Roberta Beliard.
Everyone Is a Suspect: Because their mother could be possessing anybody, Lucifer and Amenadiel don't take any chances, especially since they think she wants to kill them.
Not What It Looks Like: Openly invoked when Chloe walks in on Amy Dodd all over Lucifer. Normally circumstances like this would mean that Lucifer seduced her, but in this case he thought that she was possessed by his mother and was confronting her, only for Amy to admit that she is sick of her Disney Channel-esq image and solicits him for sex.
Power Incontinence: Amenadiel is experiencing this with his Time Master powers.
Reset Button: Pressed gradually over the next several episodes. Dan is back on the police force, and while supposedly being demoted he's still a detective and within three episodes he's treated much as he ever was; Chloe is cool to him for this episode and this begins the final severing of their romantic relationship, but she otherwise seems to have forgiven him for gaslighting her for half a year to cover up trying to kill someone.

Time-Freeze Trolling Spree: When Amenadiel freezes time when they realize that the bank robber they interrogate pulls out of his gun, Lucifer messes with the robber, putting a tiara on his head, stealing his gun, stripping him down to his briefs and tying his shoes together before leaving.
What an Idiot!: This is at least vaguely implied from Amenadiel to Chloe when he says "You've never heard of adoption?" to explain why Lucifer refers to them as brothers. Apparently Chloe was so convinced that Lucifer was delusional that this idea never occurred to her.

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