Lucifer (2016) S02E04 "Lady Parts"

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Lucifer is in deep denial about the potential consequences of letting Mother stay on earth, preferring to distract himself with his new smartphone instead. Mother is finding her new life a complete hell, but is willing to endure for the sake of her sons. Chloe is throwing herself at their work in order to avoid dealing with the pressure of her divorce and the burden of becoming a single mom.

Meanwhile, a girl is found murdered in the woods with a strange stamp on her wrist.

Brief Accent Imitation: Chloe imitates Lucifer's accent, to the amusement of the other girls present.
Clingy Jealous Girl: The ugly guy's girlfriend is extremely posessive of him.
Crazy Cat Lady: Chloe fears her future will involve lots of cats.
Maze: Or things that require batteries.
Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: Amenadiel explains what could happen if God takes back his half of the deal with Lucifer if the latter wouldn't fulfill his part of the deal; Lucifer reacts very worried.
Girls' Night Out Episode: Maze, Chloe, Ella (who pretty much invited herself along), and Linda have a good time at a nightclub. They even sing Karaoke together!
Hypocritical Heartwarming: Maze is starting to get fond of Chloe:
Maze: No one calls my skank a skank! [Turns to the rest of the girls] I'm hurting her.

I Didn't Mean to Kill Him: Lily wasn't trying to kill her sorority sisters, just roofie them. She thought hemlock was an aphrodisiac.
Insult Backfire:
Chloe: You are a very deranged person.
Maze: Thanks.
Never My Fault: Lucifer blames Dan when Chloe gets angry at him for being part of a bet between him and Maze to get Chloe to loosen up.
Lucifer: What did you say to her?
Not So Above It All: Amenadiel isn't above dancing like a loon in the club with two hot girls.
Lucifer: His shimmy is a tad off-putting.
Strange Minds Think Alike: Everyone thinks Dan looks like a cop.
What Did I Do Last Night?: Chloe has a bit of trouble recalling what happened between 8:47 and 9:17 during the girls' night out. It turns out that she decided to live with Maze.

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