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Grab your popcorn before you dive in 🌚🌚🌚

Two days later, Umma, Ammi, Ammar and Shu'aib boarded their flight to India. They arrived on a faithful evening. Basma and Bassam were the only one aware of the visit because they wanted to surprise Fa'iza. She was happy and shocked on seeing them, crying and smiling at the same time. It was an emotional moment and everyone was teary eyed. Since their arrival, Ammar clung unto Fa'iza like a gum not letting go off her hand.

"Ammar dai yaki zuwa, wannan angon nawa akwai kunya" said mama.

"Faiza go and bring refreshments for everyone".

"Habibi go and sit with umma and Ammi okay?" He wasn't willing to at first but he let go when she promised him an ice cream .

Faiza brought refreshments and served everyone.

"Ammi where's Yaya, I thought he's with you"askedbasma .

At the mention of Shuaib Faiza tripped over dressed but was quick not to fall.

"Faiza are you okay".

"Oh yes am fine" she gave a tight smile as she ran to the terrace .

"Faiza will you ever forget what he's done to you?".

"May be someday but why does she have to mention his name".

"I know it hurts Faiza but please give him a chance to explain himself"said abdulrahman.

"I don't want him to hurt me with his words again".

"C'mon ain't you the brave faiza? Listen to him and let everything out".

"I will try" she gave him a light smile and wiped her tears.

Shu'aib's mind replayed the memory from the evening again and again. Fa'iza was smiling, and it was real. Not the fake, forced ones she directed towards him when she greeted him. She looked happy, and there was that sparkle in her eyes that seemed so off whenever she look at him. Fa'iza looked nothing like the Fa'iza he knew 3 years back. She look more beautiful, elegant and classy. He had missed her so much, his priceless jewel. He thanked and prayed for Alh Ahmad and his wife for bringing Fa'iza out of her shell, for taking care of her all these while. It was because of them that he was able to witness that beautiful smile on Fa'iza's face. The smile he was yearning to see.

He should be happy right? He should be grateful that he get to meet her again. But he was not. He was angry, bitter, lost and hurt. And above all, he felt sad and guilty. Sad because Fa'iza wasn't smiling because of him, and guilty because he was never there to make her smile. All he had done was made her cry, she trusted and loved him but he hurt her beyond repair.

"How do I mend my mistake?" He asked no one in particular. He was sitting alone in Anas's living room. Umma, Ammi and Ammar are at Alh Ahmad's residence with Fa'iza

"You should talk to her" answered a voice making him turn his head it was non other than anas his dreariest friend

"I don't think she'll listen to me"

"What if I tell you she's here?"

"Stop joking please"

"I am serious. She's here to see her friend, you know Sa'adatu feigned anger and refused to go and see Fa'iza even when you all arrived"

"Yes, I know. Where's she right now?" Shu'aib queried rising to his feet

Anas stopped him "Calm down Shu'aib. Let them have their time, full of tears and I miss yous. You know...

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