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I decided to make my presence known to little kitten, she looks undeniably innocent. I can't fathom why she killed my parents. I must say she's quiet feisty and strong but when I vow to break someone then I do it without mercy. I even gave her a gift I must say am being kind. Come what may I shall revenge Baba's murder. But what if that girl was saying the truth? No I am very certain that the investigator will not create a false story just to tarnish a little girl's image. This is not just an allegation.

Will pay her a small visit in two days time but for now I've to deal with other cases.


"UmmAayan! "Thenceforth, I won't blame Basma for talking too much. After all she's your replica. Imagine, you've been talking for the past 10  minutes. I pity Captain wallahi"  He said with a light chuckle laced with a hum of amusement

"Don't tell me you just realise that. I suppose you are the one to be pitied. In few months you will be 28 and you're yet to settle down.  Wait, don't even try to dodge my question, why didn't you call for almost a month. A month Shu'aib, I am your immediate sister for goodness sake."She complained from the other end.

  "Come on Zainab! Work has been hectic. Besides, I hear from you from Umma and the twins so I know you're doing fine". Shuaib explained

     "You hearing of me from them is different from you calling to check on me. I have the feeling there's a girl in your life which is why you don't care about me anymore!"

He don't know why but his thought suddenly drifted back to the last time he saw HER

"Hmm!So I am right" Zainab's voice cut him off his thoughts.

"Zainabu Drama Queen  why are you making this a big deal. You're my beloved sister and best friend. Nothing can create a rift between us. Believe me"  He said smile completely enveloping his face.

"Bawani nan don't sugarcoat me."

"UmmAayan you're a mother of 3 now,enough of the tantrums. This aside when are you coming to Kano. We all miss you, I specifically."

"When was the last time you visited me. I have been married for 5 years now, you only come to my house when you're are in Lagos either for a meeting or seminar which was only thrice. It's your turn to visit now."

"Not again Zee. I must applaud Captain for having a nagging wife. I am extremely sorry, forgive me uhm?Are we good?"

"I hear you. So when are you coming?"She asked

"Why do I feel like you're still upset. I heard Ammi talking about you coming for Zahra's wedding. I can't wait to see you"

"Same here Yaya, A week to the wedding In sha Allah"

"Alright then" His face lights up like a neon sign

"Where are my babies? "

"Amina went out with her Dad while the twins are taking a nap"

"Send my love to them please"

"Okay! Take care, Bye!"

At Ammi's chamber

"Assalamu alaikum ammi wali jam(good afternoon)"

"Waalaikumussalam babana jam ni" she answered with a teasing smile

"Ammi you don't have to remind that I can't speak fulfulde well" he pout  making Ammi burst out laughing

"Ba dole nayi dariya ba abunka da bature yana mini fullanci " shuaib has this thick American/British accent thus his fulfulde is a disaster

Ammi is sitting on a sofa in her room; thus shuaib decided to lay his head on her lap

"Ammi I spoke with Abu just before coming here, she sends her regards to you"

"Allah sarki ina ansawa I hope she's fine and the kids?"

"Yes Ammi"

"Toh Allah ya muku albarka"(May Allah bless you all)


Checking his watch it's time for Jumm'ah

"Ammi it's time for Jumm'ah, from there I'll pick up the twins and take them to Adnan's house"

"Alright Son see you later"

Jumua'a Mubarak lovelies❤️ don't forget to recite suratul kahf❤️

Who else loves shuaib and Zainab's bond? ❤️😍

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