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Assalamu alaikum everyone ❤️🦋🙌🏻. hope y'all are fine and safe? So here's an update! Silent readers we love you 😘 thank you guys for the votes, comments and recommendations ❤️❤️ keep supporting

Aishafareeda ❤️❤️ get well soon sweetheart

"Shafa'atu I am going home, how about we drop you both at home too?" Ammi asked looking at Both Umma and Inna.

"Yes, Umma you and Inna should go home please" Fa'iza said in a pleading tone

"Yes please, don't worry we will spend the night here"Sa'adatu

"But Fa'iza you haven't..."

"We will buy something and eat. Don't worry Umma na" Fa'iza cuts her off knowing what she wanted to say.

Ammi who was looking at them with keen admiration said " Shua'ib will be back with food for you girls and a pap for Ammar you know he can't eat a solid food when he wakes up"

"We are grateful Ammi.Mungode Sosai"

Ammi nodded and flickered a smile "Shua'ib mu tafi ko?"

"Yawwa Umma don't forget to take your medicine and don't worry of how we are here, just sleep" Fa'iza said a calciliating smile upon her face. And same goes to you Inna she turned towards Inna

Inna laughed a crackling smile and said" we will do just that Fa'iza"

"Take care of yourselves" Shua'ib said as they stood up to leave

A worrisome Umma held Fa'iza "My mind is not at rest, please take care and call us when the need arises"

Shafa'atu I don't think you should bother. Shua'ib will inform the Doctor to instruct a Nurse on duty to keep an eye on them. Ammi suggested and turned to Shua'ib saying " Talk to Anas please, we will wait for you at the parking lot"

"Okay Ammi"

Knocking on Anas's Cabin I was told to come in

"Haba Shua'ib do u have to knock?"

"Hehhe courtesy bro"

"So what's up? Have you perhaps forgot something?"

"No, Ammi sent me here that you please instruct a nurse to keep an eye on Fa'iza and Sa'adatu"

"Have done that already" he grinned

"Oh really? Is there anything you're not telling me?" Shu'aib winked

"Not at all" Anas said with a chortle

"Okay then see you later, will be back with food "



Anas is a longtime friend, we attended the same secondary school but eventually had to part as we all followed different path to pursue our dreams. Even though I was a science student, I opted for Business Administration while he went to the medical school.

I met Ammi, Umma and Inna at the parking lot talking. They all had a wide smile on their faces, that was when I noticed the great resemblance between Ammi and Umma. The amiable smile, the glinting eyes, and even their gait. Just that Umma's face is timeworn and her eyes look fatigued probably because of health issues and....

"Shua'ib mutafi mana(Let's go). I have called Basma to prepare the food, I believe she's almost done by now" Ammi said as I approached them.

We dropped Umma and Inna at their house. I noticed how Ammi's demeanor changed when she saw the house her Sister lives in which screams poverty. She have been mum all the way home I tried engaging her in a conversation to light up her mood but she wasn't interested so I focus on driving.

Basma! Basma! Ammi called as she sat on the settee. I sat beside her

"Na'am Ammi you took long. Hope all is well"

"Alhamdulillah my dear Where is Bassam?"

"He went out. The food is ready, are we taking it somewhere?"

"Yes, Shua'ib will take it to the hospital"

"Hospital? Who is unwell Ammi? Basma inquired

I glared at her as I sit
beside Ammi "Alright, let me take it to the car" she said again a questioning look on her face.

No, Basma leave it on the dinning table. It's Asr already so I will fresh up and pray before leaving to the hospital.

"Sannu Babana Allah yayi albarka" Ammi said caressing my face.

Aamin Ammi. But you haven't been yourself since we dropped Umma and Inna and you said Umma is your sister.

"I will tell you everything Shua'ib but not now"

"Okay Ammi" I gave her a little squeeze in her hand before I leave

I've always known that Ammi has a story to tell but never brought it up Ammi is so lucky to have a husband like abba, May Allah have rahama on your soul Abba

"Let me freshen up before that bee comes to my room" I muttered as I unchange knowing fully Basma will come to ask who I am taking the food to. Done freshing up, I stroll downstairs and bid Ammi farewell before proceeding to Umma's house and the hospital.

Where are the shipping team? Association of aww where are you people?

Bye bye pips

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