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🥂 to double update❤️❤️ this chapter is dedicated to y'all readers



As we went out of the Doctor's office, I dragged my feet which felt as if they had lead weights attached to them. My eyes glistened with tears. Sa'adatu was beside me as we walk carrying Ammar on her back. She was talking to me but I couldn't comprehend what she was saying.
              I look around, the hospital went on with its activities as usual, oblivious of my plight. This is what it was to be an orphan, living a poor life with an ailing foster mother and a sick baby brother. I felt tears ran down my face but I didn't attempt to wipe them I made my way out to the parking lot brushing past people, praying that somehow I will wake up to realise this all is a dream.

"Ya Allah what should I do??"I didn't realize that I had no shoes on my hijab that it was right side out  I kept walking aimlessly till I bumped into someone

"Easy there young lady" that person held me by my shoulders

"Come sit" he guided me to sit on a bench , I look at everywhere else but him I couldn't comprehend what he is saying I felt someone shake my shoulders " are you okay? What are you doing here? Why are you crying?"

"I..I... He is going to die please help me save him, I don't care what I should do but please help me save him, I can do all it takes to save my one and only brother! He is my life please sir" I squeaked out the words that were bottled up inside me tears splitting over and flowed down my face like a river escaping a dam. The muscles of my chin tremble

My apologies please, she's not in her right senses now. Fa'iza ki tashi mu tafi (Stand up let's go) Sa'adatu who was behind me said wiping my tears away

"No let her be, What happened to you both? Why are you crying? You lost a loved one?" He questioned Sa'adatu

"No Sir, our brother here is ill,  he has a heart problem, and we were told to pay the amount of 500k for his surgery, while we don't have such an amount. Infact we hawk for a living" Sa'adatu explained her voice cracking

"Am willing to help you Fisabilillah (For the sake of Allah....)" Fa'iza cut him off before he conclude kneeling down and thanking him

"I will forever be indebted sir, Allah ya biyaka da gidan aljanna(May Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus)

Shuaib! A voice called.  A young man came towards us, saying I have got the prescribed drugs. How about we check on Ammi, the Doctor is done examining her by now.

Yes, but go ahead I will be there in 20 minutes.

Everything okay?

Yeah sure,nothing to bother.


So you two wait here, while I get the drugs from the pharmacy. He said collecting the prescription card.

Shortly after, he returned with a leather the hospital's logo designed on it.

This is the drugs. Now, let's go to the paediatrics, I want to see the Doctor.

On getting there, Doctor Anas explained what was expected to be done and everything was sorted out.

You have to take care of his meals, he should eat a healthy diet and also don't skip the medicines. He said referring to Fa'iza and Sa'adatu.

Okay, Thank you Doctor

Mr Shuaib, the surgery will be after 3 weeks.But you can make the payment now if you wish to.

Alright thanks.

"Saadatu I have to inform umma about it"

"Yeah you should go and I will stay here"

Stepping my foot out of the hospital I saw sir Shuaib, he was about to leave when I merged towards him

"S...I..r cccan I please umm have your number? I want my mom to thank you please sir"he gave me a bright smile before saying

"Don't worry dear I will personally meet your mom tomorrow In sha Allah, my mom is also admitted here"

"Okay May Allah grant your mom shifaa and May he reward you"  a lone tear escaped my right eye

Are you okay? Is there another problem? He seemed panicked seeing my tears. I smiled and said these are tears of joy, i am crying with sheer happiness and relief. I don't know what would be of my brother if you haven't come to our rescue.

He chuckled, if you're really happy as you said, you should be smiling. He handed me a white handkerchief and said clean those tears, look at how puffy and red your eyes look.

I couldn't help but smile, he's just the definition of Mr perfect. I thanked him again and get back to Sa'adatu where we got into a tricycle and headed home.

Fa'iza? Sa'a? Kun dawo? Naga kun dade. (Welcome back? You took long) I was thinking of going to the hospital now.

We're back Inna. How's Umma feeling now? I see she's sleeping

Yes, she slept after taking her medicine. How about Ammar?
What did the Doctor say?

Ammar has a hole in his heart Inna.

Hasbunallahu Wa ni'imal wakeel!

They narrated all what  happened

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