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   Everywhere was quite. Only the occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night.
        I could physically feel and hear footsteps behind me as i was running. He was chasing me along the path to school. Just as he got me I tripped, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his car. He drove us to a beautiful house. He carried me to a room, tied both my hands above my head, he used a scarf and closed my mouth, then he removed a small pocket knife and raised it to face trying to stab me.

     Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un!(Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return). Fa'izah muttered as she woke up shaking and all sweaty. Same story again! Same guy and same voice. She panicked as she felt her wrist tightly gripped just like in the dream. She got relieved when she realised it was Ammar. Since her last encounter with that guy, she had recurring nightmares  everyday. But this is one of the scariest. He killed her in the dream!  A couple of days ago, he kidnapped her in the dream, yesterday he came in to the room when she was sleeping and today he tried killing her! Ya Rabbi!  what's the way out? She asked herself. I think Umma should know about this, she made up her mind to inform Umma the following day. She supplicated again and drifted into a deep slumber.

      *     *     *     *     *

Umma has been suspicious of faiza's sudden silence and lack of eating, she realized that she always zoned out and she's always scared of going out she definitely something's up with her baby.

"Umma Ina kwana( good morning Umma)"cutting Umma's thought

"Lafiya lau fa'i(fine fa'i) come sit I want to talk to you"says Umma making faiza tense

" What's wrong? You look sullen these days"

"Nothing umma"says faiza looking down as she fiddle with her fingers

"Faiza I know you are lying so you better tell me what's bothering you"

Faiza took a deep breath and look at umma straight in the face; no I can't tell her she's already weak I can't risk her health for this, she smiled a bright one

"Umma am serious bakomai wallahi, it's just that am nervous about this chemistry practical exams"

"Don't overthink" You will pass with flying colours she said soothingly

"In sha Allah Umma" Fa'iza answered her eyes crinkled on both corners as she smile

"Umma lemme Bathe Ammar, before going to school"


At school

It was time for chemistry practical exams. SS1 students were rushing into the laboratory. Fa'iza and Sa'adatu walked fast towards the laboratory as the exams is about to start. On getting to the lab, they joined the queue where they were thoroughly checked before the commencement of the exam.  They got into the lab as question papers were being shared by the invigilator. They were divided into different groups each consisting of 10 students. Fa'iza  who happened to be the group leader of her group proceeded to get them the apparatus and reagents. As she walk back to her chair with a test tube containing sulphuric acid holding it carefully as if afraid of the test tube, out of no where Sakinah(one of their classmate) appeared and pushed her. Fortunately, Fa'iza slipped to the floor while
the test tube fall down and break into pieces drawing the attention of the invigilator and other students.

"What was that?" Fa'izah asked. "What did you just do?" A  confused Sa'adatu who was standing behind Fa'izah asked Sakinah. She also went to get reagents for her team and saw everything. She's very sure Sakinah's was intentional and she is up to no good.
  Fa'izah ran to the sink to wash her hands even though the acid didn't touch her. Sakinah didn't say a word. She stood there as the Invigilator interrogated her. "I...I..amm sorry sir it was an accident" she stuttered.
    Everyone thought he will send her out of the lab and punish her just as it is done for any student who breaks the lab apparatus. Instead he said"Be careful next time, your careless move almost burned the poor girl".

In the mean time saadatu made a mental note to deal with sakinah.

After exams.....

"Huh today was hectic wallahi, am so hungry" said saadatu as she robbed her tummy making faiza laugh

"Kai saadatu I pity mama wallahi, the way you like eating ehn"

"Malama if you are done then let's go home, umma made wainar flour I guess"- saadatu said

One thing about saadatu is that if she's hungry then everything infuriates her

"Toh let's go before you chop my head off" - Faiza said as they walk out of the school.

Aishafareeda ❤️ I love what we do❤️

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So here's another chapter😁😁😁

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