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HI HI everyone! Well that was a bit stressful, thank you for ur votes, comments and recommendations Aishafareeda and I love you a lot❤️❤️❤️💐


"Sa'adatu school has resume yesterday, I think you should go tomorrow" we are back home, Ammar was discharged yesterday evening and I didn't see Sa'adatu in her school uniform today despite yesterday being the resumption date.

"No, we are resuming together when Ammar recuperate In sha Allah" This girl is crazy I thought

"There's no need for that Sa'a, we can't both be missing school. Look at it this way, when you attend the class you teach me what was taught. Ko ba haka ba?(Isn't it?)"

"Fa'iza to be honest I am not resuming this week. We will resume next week In sha Allah by then Ammar's health has improved. She concluded with a finality tone

I look at her teary eyed. I often catch myself wondering what I did to deserve this selfless soul. I held her hands my eyes glisten as I hold back my tears "Sa'adatu I can't thank you enough, you are the sister I never had. You have stuck around through thick and thin helping me navigate this thing called life. I am happy that our path crossed because you're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.

" Fa'iza you are making me cry" Her eyes welled with tears, her lips forming a smile

I continued "I just realise I haven't express my gratitude to you. I may not tell you this everyday but know that you my dear Bestfriend is one in a million. May Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus and may we all be united there. I am forever grateful "

She sniffed discretely as she smiled brightly "Aren't you the sweetest? It is said too much of sugar is bad for the health but with you, I am here for this sweetness"
I chuckle at her response, her sense of humour is priceless. She's so down to earth

"I thought you said we are family"

"Of course we are" I said with a nod

Then you don't have to thank me or else...

"My friend till Jannah" we uttered in unison and embraced each other.

"Assalamu alaikum" we heard Ammi's voice

"Waalaikumussalam Ammi welcome" saadatu and I chorused

"Ina yini Ammi( Good Afternoon Ammi)"

"Afternoon my babies how are you?"


"Where's your mom"

"Maryama gani nan, jam banduna "

"Jam ni Adda noi sare?( Fine sister)"

"Jam ni, Ina Dan nawa( Lfy where's my son)" asked umma before Ammi could answer we heard Shuaib's voice saying salam, he was holding shopping bags we rushed and collected it before greeting him

"How are you babies" she flashed us his million dollar smile

"Yaya we are not babies" I said making him, Umma and Ammi laugh

"Okay okay"

Shuaib squatted to greet Umma. Angona sannu da zuwa Umma teases Shua'ib calling him Angona(My Groom)

"Umma yanxu kin tsufa ai zan miki retire in auro yarinya(You are now old so I will dump you and settle for a young girl)" Umma gasped dramatically

" Yaran ynxu babu kunya(Children of nowadays are shamless)" Said umma before pulling his ears gently

"Ouch haba uwargida, kinaso In zama kurma In kasa Jin I love you" that makes umma pulled it harder, making him turn to ammi for help while Ammi raised her hands up

"Toh shikenan, bari In tausaya maka"

"Errm Fa'iza and Sa'aadatu wear your Hijab Shuaib is taking you somewhere, you will meet your cousins who are his siblings while I've a girls time with my sister"

"Okay Ammi" Sa'adatu answered happily while I hesitated a bit.

As if reading my mind, Ammi said "Karki damu Fa'iza, we will take care of Ammar when he wakes up"

I smiled coyly and ran to the room.

"Ya Shua'ib!" I called as I came out wearing my Hijab."Sa'adatu will like to inform Inna before we leave please. I hope you don't mind?"

Before Shua'ib utter a word, Umma cut in "No, you just take your leave. Maryam want to greet her so I will inform her when we get there. Is anything wrong with that Sa'a?"

Not at all Ammi

Be back safely, My regards to the twins

I walked slowly towards the car to avoid sitting on the front passenger seat beside Ya Shua'ib. I don't know why but I always feel uneasy in his company even though he's friendly and simple. His voice sounds familiar like that of someone I know....

Fa'iza tunanin mey kikayi ne? Sa'adatu seated at the front passenger seat was grinning from ear to ear

"Babu" (nothing) I said as I sit on the back seat.

"Really?" She asked suspiciously in a quiet voice, raising her eyebrows

"Of course uwar yawo" I whispered making her giggle

"What are you two discussing?" Shua'ib asked as he drive to the main road.

"Just some random talks" said Sa'adatu

Okay. So, when are you resuming school?

"We've resumed yesterday" we both answered

"But because of Ammar and also it's the first week, we decided our own resumption to be next week In sha Allah" Sa'adatu added.

Good! SS2 students right?

Yes,but how did you know? I found myself asking knowing we didn't have such a conversation with him

Sa'adatu turned " I told him"

"Ohh" I exclaimed It looks like they have known each other for long. Well, with Sa'adatu being a talkative it isn't a surprise.

I wind down the window and peeped. "Alhamdulillah" I muttered as I feel the cool breeze on my face. Life is full of surprises, both good and bad, the expected and the unexpected. Looking back the past... My parent's demise, Umma's sacrifices, the struggles regarding that monster, days I hawked along the streets sweating from head to toe. Then, Ammar's illness and how Shua'ib appeared like an angel. Turns out his mother is Umma's lost Sister. Allah works in mysterious ways his choices are always the best. Embrace every situation with patience and you shall be given good tidings.


Ignore the typos pls

What are your thoughts beautiful people??

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