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Pls ignore the typos

Shuaib POV

“Hello Ammi, Ina yini, oh they have arrived? Ok, I will stop by after work ”

“Why are you grinning like a Christmas goat?”asked Adnan, the annoying best friend

“Faiza is back" He exclaimed excitedly like a 5 year old given a bar of chocolate

“Ah Ma Sha Allah! Adnan exclaimed. So are you going to pick them?”

"I wanted to but Ammi insisted the driver will do that" Shu'aib complained

"Easy there, now that she's here , you can see her all you want"


"What am i seeing? Are you going home already?" Adnan queried as Shu'aib pack his stuffs into his briefcase

"No,not home. They're at Umma's...I am going there "

“Okay, but guy I think you should get her flowers on your way”

“Sure thing” I said


"Umma believe me we're full. We can finish eating later " Fa'iza pouted

"Yes, Umma. They served us at the airplane "

"I see, but you both are not going to bed without finishing that food. I prepared it myself" She returned sternly and turned towards Bassam who was enjoying his meal  "Bassam, eat to your fill my son"

"Don't mind these girls Umma. This is delicious than ever" Bassam said after he swallowed a morsel of Tuwon shinkafa with Miyan Taushe

"But you shouldn't have troubled yourself Umma, Inna Kande could have done that"

She didn't let me come close to the Kitchen all day, Her babies are coming" Inna Kande(Umma's help) who was clearing the table said from the dinning area

"How sweet! That's so nice of you Ummana, It's delicious as always! Oh how I miss your food" Fa'iza cooed

"And yet you didn't eat"  Umma uttered with a tone of sarcasm

"Kai Umma! We promise to eat it later. I mean, if not that our stomach is full we should have eaten the food immediately we came in. The aroma is irresistible "

"But Bassam is eating or he wasn't served at the airplane like you?"

"You know how much of a glutton he is" Basma answered and they all burst out laughing

There voices and sounds of laughter could be heard from the gate, to his ears, Fa'iza's voice stood out different. Shu'aib parked his car and walk towards the door

“Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah”boomed shuaibs voice Faiza who was laughing stopped mid way as she heard the voice that made her heart race

“Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah ah ah angon nawa sai yau ka tuna dani” said umma feigning anger

“Ahh nooo you’re my one and only love umma wallahi kinsan angon naki aiki  ya mishi yawa” said Shuaib as he put his arms around Umma’s shoulder while his eyes are directed to that single person in that room his stares didn’t go unnoticed by everyone

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