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Author's POV

The encounter with the royals escalated fast and it was concluded even faster with the prince and Los having to "talk" it out and resolving their differences.

Los made it clear that he did not like the way humans governed themselves and he wished it to change, they were reluctant as this all came from a female (Los in Anname's body), but they eventually gave in and heeded Los' commands and words.

On the other side of the world, El Asil and his group find themselves back in a cave they started off before meeting with Anname's group just like A name and her duo did, and everything is okay except for Dercaris who goes on a rant about seeing El Asil use foreign magic.

After a while the situation calms down and El Asil tells Nia they need to go (back) up to the one hundredth floor and clear it before anyone else to which Nia agrees and starts packing.

El tells her to leave it, when they come back they'll find it still here. She gives in after a second or so and they'll use portal magic again to reach the highest floor where they meet the Salwn-god of games once again, but this time the encounter is different as El tells his party members to sideline the fight and head for the fifth of five treasures to complete the current quest he is on.

They put up a fight, but El just shoves them in a sneak attack of a portal from beneath their feet and closes it before Nia can jump back though.

El, in his strongest form, faces Tron and just like before it's a one sided fight, but this time in El Asil's favour. The battle doesn't last long before Elis shows up and interrupts the battle and like before sends (only) El Asil to Axera.

While all of this is happening, Anname (after regaining control from Los) and her group spends some time in Sin'er and after a few days they leave for Orion. Anname sturdily found herself growing weak and feeling a whole lot tired than she normally does after she was back in control. They make their way to Orion, fighting off monsters, bandits as well as warriors who thought it wise to challenge them to a battle in exchange for all that they had.

They made it to Orion after two days and when they got there they were received warmly. They made their way to the castle and while waiting for an audience with the royal family, Ezaire, Nirl and Hydris make their way into the throne in response to a letter sent by Anname five days ago.

The royal family makes its appearance with a few making comments on Anname and her group, but quickly quieting down thanks to prince Xander.

Anname's mother goes off when she sees Anname and a situation were she tries to go and hug Anname, but she's stopped by Hydris and Jasmine quickly escalates until Anname tells them to let her go: "As much as that would be satisfying to see, I cannot let you do that to the woman that gave me life." She says and Hydris and Jasmine lower their weapons and bow their heads as they apologize.

She has a little heart to heart with her mother after a well deserved supper with the royal family. The mother then pulls her to the side after a while and tells her she wishes Anname to take over Orion since she's strong now, that way they can rule it all and Anname puts on a poker face asking her how they should do it which makes her mother happy for a second until she sees Anna me's face quickly change and she lets her dragonoid form out. This ordinarily scares the living idiocy out of Annabelle and the guards have to come into Anname's room in response to Annabelle's cries for help.

The guards point their weapons at Anname, but she just releases a wave of energy and flies away.

While gliding over the city, Los comforts her telling her "In every nest there are a few bad eggs, but then once in a while there are really really bad eggs and in such a case you do not do anything, but throw it out and ignore it." after saying that Anname relaxes and goes back to her room where she explains everything except for the part about Annabelle saying what she said. She finds Annabelle and tells her never to plot such and live a right life"... or else, I'll be your end."

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