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Taniah turns around and she is met by a shower of blood, her blood bath is followed by loud cries from the beasts around as the master silverback's head falls and lays lifeless on the ground a meter away from her. She reverts back to her normal self and just stares at the figure blending in with the shadows in front of her with tears slowly forming at the corners of her eyes.

"Are you okay?" the unidentified person asks and Taniah nods staring into the darkness with a blank face. "Taniah, are you okay?" Eve asks running up to her and slowly turning her head, Taniah looks over at Eve and then down at the wolf.

The couldn'th have killeth this wolf all the way from there. - (She couldn't have killed this wolf all the way from there.) Taniah thinks. If the didn'th then who thid? Who ith- (If she didn't then who did?) Who ith-Who ith this? - (Who is-Who is this?)

"Taniah, thank the gods you're okay. What happened? Are you hurt?" Eve, now choking the life out of Taniah with a hug after inspecting her body like a worried mother, asks question after question.

The still-state elf slowly lifts her finger after Eve backs up and lets her take in a breath. She points at the figure blending in with the shadows and Eve's eyes follow to see what she is pointing at.

Out of the shadows, a young man steps out dressed in black with a blood drenched sword slung over his shoulder and a long chain dangling from its hilt. His dark raven hair tied in a high bun with a few stray strands overlapping his face and a set of light brown glistening eyes.

Quickly Eve draws out a dagger from one of her boots, swiftly turns around and jumps on, and holds down the young man with her dagger to his throat. She kicks the unknown stranger's sword away and proceeds to ask. "Who are you?" She demands to know the young man's identity putting a little more pressure on her dagger.

Character POV

"I asked you a question. Who-are-you?" The fiery girl demands to know my identity once again putting more pressure on her blood stained kitchen knife that is pursed to my neck, but I stay quiet. "Oh, you won't talk, huh? Then die!" The girl raises her knife and brings it down in an attempt to take my life.

Sigh. "Well this is troublesome. You try to help someone and their allay tries to kill you," I say and bring my hand up to meet the oncoming knife. "what is this world coming to?" I hold the knife between my thumb and index finger and mummer, "[Shatter]."

The girl's eyes widen in shock and surprise.

"That's not very nice you know?" I say after shattering her little knife into pieces, including the handle.

"What-, what did you do?" she exclaims, springing off of me giving me the freedom to get up and dust myself up.

"Eve!" A young man who looks to be around his early twenties rushes to her side and points his sword at me. "Are you okay?" He asks looking at the girl whose name I'm guessing is Eve?

I have just met these people and I already feel like they have something against me, I mean, what's with the pointing of dangerous weapons?

"Pointing your blade at someone you just met is a bit rude wouldn't you say? I'd think the wise thing to do is to put away your blade before whoever it is you are pointing it at decides to unsheathe their own steel." I say looking at the scaled young man and quickly go for my sword when I realize that I don't have it sheathed. Looking down I see it laying on the ground a few meters away from me and I curse my own luck.

"Who are you?" The young man carries on where Eve left and demands to know my identity.

"Again with that question." Sigh. "I don't know how knowing who I am will be of any help to you right now, but if you must know I am the one that just saved your dear companion's life over there, so instead of pointing your blades and asking me questions, the least you could do is tend to your friends or at least thank me for saving her life." I say with a glare.

"You saved them... Why?" The young man retorts.

"Do you really think this is the time to be asking such questions?" I ask him looking up at the giant hole in the cavern's roof.

The young man looks up and as soon as he does I yank the chain on my sword using my leg, catch it in hand and point it at the man's neck.

"Now, I don't want to fight you, but I am responsible for those monsters finding your little hide out here... So for that, I must apologize." I say and right after that some of the man's other companions make their way to us except a few who continue fighting. The ones missing are Po and Bell if I remember correctly from all their screaming and shouting earlier.

"You led those beasts here? How? And why?" One of the females asks holding up her staff with the rest of her companions following her lead.

"Look, we could go on all night long debating who did what and why, and not get anywhere, but as long as I'm still alive and down here that giant up there won't stop ramming the place and sending more beasts down for me and honestly... I don't fancy dying today, I've had enough of that as it is. So, tell you what, help me get out of this here sticky situation and we'll call it even for helping your friends over there." I say and pull back my sword leaving a small stream of blood flowing from the young man's neck before the tiny source of the blood stream quickly heals up.

"Ah, Lizardman?" I ask the young man. "No, you're more regal and you have reptilian features unlike those of a lizard's everywhere. Dragonkin perhaps?" I probe.

"That is not important right now. What do you mean the giant is after you? What did you do to provoke it?" The young man asks.

"It's a giant, I didn't have to do much, I just took both it eyes while it was sleeping, but unfortunately when it came to taking the giants life I was just too, what's the word... lazy? Yeah, so I left and well on my way out of its cave I accidentally woke it up and it chased me down the mountain and now here we are." I answer his question.

"You did what?" One of the party members exclaims causing me to turn my attention to him.

"I took both its eyes while it was sleep-"

"Yeah, I got that, but how is that even possible? You-you are lying, you couldn't have gone against a giant by yourself. Dercaris," the youthful looking man going on a rant looks at the dragon kin for confirmation. "he's lying, right?"

The dragonkin Dercaris, takes a moment to think, but he is thrown off when the giant's massive hand makes its way down the hollow shaft and dropping another wave of monsters.

"We'll worry about that later, right now we have a giant to deal with... thanks to him" He says and looks me. I give him my best smile which must've come across as startling because some members of Dercaris' group back up before he continues. "We will cooperate and see to it that no one else gets hurt..." The dragonkin trails off looking at the dwarf lying next to the young elf I just saved and then turns back to look at me.

"Thank you for helping my companions, now we'll help you defeat the giant. Fight alongside our party, even if it is to be for a little while Sir...?" Dercaris says putting his hand out for mine and waits for me to receive his invitation for introduction. A smile dances at the edges of my lips as I put out my hand and grip his firmly.

"Asil. El Asil." I say with a smirk.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance El, I am Dercaris. Dercaris Dei'l."

First peaceful contact with mortal life. A voice goes off in my head.

Dercaris POV

-Met El Asil.
-You have joined El Asil's party.
Two messages go off in my head.

"Wait, what?" I look at the last message on my scroll before a bright yellow light engulfs me. Everyone backs up, covering their eyes at the sight of the blinding light. "Aris!" Diana exclaims.

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