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Anname's POV

"Unfortunately, I can't do that. I need Anname and she has saved me the time to look for her other two companions for this tournament, with one of them being that boy over there and the other..." she gestures towards a door and a red haired girl steps out with bruises and scars all over her face and body. The girl gets closer and I instantly remember the little dwarf.

Los gives me back control. "Ezaire? What are you doing here?" I ask running to meet her and giving her a hug.

"Well Elis came looking for you back on Atlas and long story short, she didn't find you, Nirl returned from the sea a day later with a whole army, architects, builders and told us everything that happened. Elis then spent the next few days helping us waiting for you to come out of the sea, it was the greatest thing ever. You should see it, the village doesn't look anything like you left it, we built streets, numerous buildings; shops, houses and-"

"Tell me you didn't build a cathedral in her name." Los takes over my speech and cuts Ezaire off.


"Tell me you didn't let that hag build a cathedral in her name and proclaim herself the patron goddess of Enore!" I can tell he is calm because he is not using his voice, but he is slowly getting angry.

"N-no, no, she offered to, but we told her you had turned down that idea and she let it go. What's wrong? You don't fancy Elis?"

Los resigns giving me control of my speech and now I'm left answering this. "No... it's not like that... I just... I can't explain it right now... I-"

"It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself." She says holding my hands in hers and I feel her blisters. "I'm just glad you're here and you're alright."

I stare at her crimson eyes and they are filled with happiness and wait, are those tears?

"Hey, I'm glad you're here too now stop with that, you're freaking me out." She backs up, wipes her cheeks and throws me a smile. "Alright... now, how are you on Axera? Or, why are you here and what's this talk about candidates and gods?"

"Oh..." She begins to explain. "Well Elis, after our not so great first encounter..."


A few days ago | Enore

Elis' POV

"Here you go." Ilena says handing me a plate and a cup.

"Thank you" I give her a smile.

"So let me try and put this together. You want me to fight against some of the world's best warriors in Axera with Anname, all in your name? Basically helping her as an equal?" Ezaire asks.

"More or less, yeah. That about sums it all up perfectly."

I explained the tournament to Ezaire after she told me my candidate left for Iphias a few days ago. She said she went to help one of her subordinates, the serpent prince Hydris, to clear his name which kind of surprised me... since when is Anname strong enough to have a sea serpent as her subordinate, I have not even bestowed my gifts upon her yet. And what's more surprising is how this Kai here referred to her as the Lady of Enore... when did all this happen? I knew she was special and that she had potential, but what is this? What is happening here?

After my first plate I had plate after plate mysteriously (Ilena's doing) find their way into my hands. Now I think I am on my seventh plate and this pie gets delicious every time, Kai seems to appreciate this beautiful creation as well. There is something about him that intrigues me, he is... reserved and that leaves a bit of, mystery to his character and more importantly his taste in food is in par to my own.

"What makes me qualified to fight against the world's best warriors, I am not that strong if I am compared to some of the other races." Ezaire says.

I almost crush my cup when I hear her compare herself to other races. "HOW DARE YOU."



"Yea-, yes. I am a dragon."

"A dragonkin, but still closer to a dragon than anything else and despite knowing this you still compare yourself to other races? This is more than an insult, this is- blugh!" I puke all over the floor. Insulting my creation, now even my stomach is upset.

"After that she stayed home with us. Helped around the vil-, I mean city and trained me, I even learnt and mastered forest magic." Ezaire says with a big grin on her face.

"Oh wow, that's so cool. Wait, did she only bring you here? What about Ilena and Nirl?"

"She left them back on Enore and-"

"We'll be taking our leave now!" I hear someone say and look back to see El Asil (the source) create the same magic circle that brought us here, but with a different color.

"Nguva ngai dzokere kumashure I nyoreke futi!" He says this and everything around us starts vibrating violently with the ground shaking.

"What? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP THAT!" Elis shouts charging at El Asil, but he goes through the circle with Dercaris before Elis gets to them. The shaking becomes more violent and a bright light shines in the whole room and before I can even react... everything starts getting dark.

What... Was that magic? What is happen-? I pass out.

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