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Erin's POV

Demi'er, Arltheas | Sunrise

"So Erin, have you thought about what you're going to tell my father?" Vixen asks as she buckles her boots and fits her leather armor on.

"When did I have time to do that? All we did was fu-" She stops herself and lets out a heavy sigh "-don't worry about it. I know he's going to be furious about your brother being dead, but I'll be safe from his wrath."

"You sound so confident, what makes you think he's not going to kill you on the spot. I can't lose another lover you know." Vixen says with a pout.
"I don't know, but if he decides to punish me then so be it."

Vixen lets out a sigh even heavier than my latter sigh.

I gets up from the sheep hide on the floor, walk over to Vixen and wrap my arms around her waist from behind followed by a kiss on the neck. "I'll figure something out." I say tapping her temple.

"Mm, okay. I can count on you to not die on me when you get there, right?" Vixen asks with a sad look in her eyes.

"Yeah, you'll be seeing a lot more of me. Don't you worry." I hold Vixens chin up.

"Okay then." She sniffles and wipes her nose. "I think we're here. You should head on over to the Varltheas as soon as you get off the ship, you wouldn't want to keep his ruthlessness waiting would you?" Vixen says and straps her belt tight.

"Okay, okay. When am I going to see you again?"

"Mm, I wonder." Vixen muses with a sly smirk forming at the corners of her lips and vanishes into a cloud of black smoke.

In the heart of the Demi'er nation is Arltheas a city close to the boarders of Ragnor and at its core is a massive castle covered in black stone known as Varltheas, which directly translated from the native demonic tongue of Demi'er means 'Fortress of death' and Arltheas in the same demonic tongue translates to 'Empire of death'.

Inside Varltheas is a maze of hallways and rooms and at the top of the castle is a throne room as big as the coliseum. In the throne room is a might throne and on it sits the legendary Dragon-end, the Warlord Razul and in front of him is a shuddering Erin taking a knee.

"You would dare show your face before me?" His regal voice echoes in the throne room causing Erin's hair strands to stand.

Next to Razul are six figures, three on either side with one of them being Vixen.

"What do you have to say for yourself?!" Razul asks. "I should have your head for this!"

"I-I-I-" I stammer, but before I can speak red smoke goes up in a puffy cloud in front of Razul and his excellency noticing the smoke speaks up with authority to the bystanders.

"Leave us!"

Without question or hesitation the six bystanders start making their way out of the throne room.

"You'll be okay." Vixen mimes as she walks past me towards the door.

Sure I will.

After Vixen leaves with the other five a voice speaks up from the shadows. "You'll have no one's head Razul."

Now only two people are present in the throne room them and the source of the mysterious voice that I have never heard before. Razul gets up and stares at someone walking behind me.

"My Lord." Razul says and gives a slight bow.

I try to look back at the man, but the man's overwhelming presence won't allow it.

"Hmm, my condolences for your loss Razul. I'll be sure to take good care of your son-" The man trails off and thinks for a bit. "-you have proven yourself a loyal pawn, so for that, I'll watch over your son until the day you're reunited, but this one here-, this one you will not touch." The man says and causes the whole room to go darker and then back to its original dimness when he gestures at me.

"Many thanks my lord, but if I may ask why are you suggesting that I do not punish this pitiful excuse of an escort?" Razul asks bowing his head even lower which surprises me because I have never seen The great Razul; Warlord of all Warlocks, The great-end of the dragon race, Emperor of the great Arltheas Empire and The supreme king of Demi'er yield to any man.

Who is this man and why is lord Razul bowing in his presence? What does he mean 'take care of Vi-?'

"You'll see soon." The man says in response to my thoughts. "Young one." The regal and suffocating voice speaks up and waits for my response.


"You'd be wise to answer when you are spoken to child." The man says slowly approaching me who is still kneeling on the floor.

Heavy footsteps sound off from behind me.
"Who-, who are you?" I take a bold step and ask to know the identity of the man who even Lord Razul bows to.

The man bursts and his laughter fills the four corners of the throne room. "I was starting to have my doubts about you, but no, you really are a bold one and for that, I have chosen well."


Doubts? This thought registers in my mind.

"[Divine authority], release." The man, who is now standing in front of me, says and the pressure on my shoulders lifts.

Skill: [Divine authority]: an ability/skill only used by divine beings or those who have acquired divinity through leveling up or getting stronger. This skill/ability is used to suppress any form of life below the level of the user.

I look at his boots and they seem to be made out of the most expensive black fabric.

Falion wings? I guess looking at the man's shoes.

"Hmm, no, but close. This is demon skin." The man says casually as if it is the most obvious thing.


My shocked reaction is cut short when I look up and my eyes meet with the man's eyes. Dark, empty and soulless. These are the words that wrap around my mind as I stare deep into the man's eyes. The energy resonating from him is that of buff and divinity.

Wait, did he said divine authority just no. Who is this man? I think as I slowly try to find my footing.

"I am your new master and you, well you are now my candidate." The man says with a cold glare and he releases a strong aura that pressures me back to her knees and after a second or so causes me to collapse on the floor unconscious.

The man lets out a sigh. He then bends down to pick up Erin like a child and hangs her over his shoulder before turning around and looking back at a shuddering Razul who is doing his best to hide his fright.

"And you, pull yourself together. You look like a wet and used up inge, I have plenty of those down in the underworld and I do not need any more up here, especially not one as hideous as you.

Oh and I will be taking this one here with me, she will be my god-candidate and if I was to guess, that would make her the first candidate out of all fifteen. Anyway, take care, I will be seeing you real soon my precious tot of a pawn." The man says to Razul before bidding him farewell and getting engulfed by red smoke then vanishing with Erin.

"Yes, Lord Reigon." Razul says as he takes a bow.

End of Chapter

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