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He was expecting us?

He probably sensed Siphious' presence because ours has been masked since we left Iphias.

Oh? Okay.

"And who might you be... fleshling?" King Urkinos asks looking me up and down. "One of Siphious' pawns? Or maybe a peace offering for my victory feast later tonight? Ha, if it is the former I would have thought you to know better than to bring a weakling made of mortal flesh and bone to face off against my kin and I, she does not even have a strong enough aura to be registered as a living thing." King Urkinos raises his surprisingly normal looking blood red human-like hands over his head and instantly their 'normality' is traded in for ungodly looking crab claws.

The other Krabs, who I'm guessing are his personal body guards, react to his handy transformation and point their harpoons at me while the rest block King Siphious front and rear as an attempt to try and keep him at bay.

The Krab King turns and looks at his old serpent friend with a smile that seems forced on his hard face. "What happened to your son Siphious? Was he not supposed to come and marry my daughter or did you secretly wish for this war to happen?" King Urkinos clamps his claws in the clear water as if trying to cut it.

"Urkinos, I put my sword away and I would suggest both you and your men stand down in the presence of-" King Siphious looks at me before the Krab king cuts him off.

"This child? You would dare insult me by bringing a human child into my palace and have the audacity to tell me what to do? What would you have me do next, thank you for such an appetizer, take pity on you and your treacherous kingdom? Oh, how low can you go Siphious? For that, I will decapitate your infant pawn right where she-!"


Gravity finds its way down to the depths of the sea and crashes the Krab king, bringing him to one knee and his guards down to their bellies. For his resistance, the pressure intensifies and he is brought down to both knees.

"WHAT-WHAT IS THIS? King Urkinos asks through his clenched teeth trying but still failing to find his footing.

There is a little more pressure in Los' command this time since King Siphious took the pressure head on last time, but it seems that even now both kings are very strong. King Siphious isn't even moved, then again the pressure isn't directed at his scaly body this time around so it's kind of hard to say if he'll be able to withstand this much pressure as well, but I doubt he would be able to stand as he is now.

When I learned [divine authority] I was able to put down Ezaire in her dragon form with such ease so seeing these two kings oppose Los' authority says a lot about their strength. I haven't even checked their scrolls yet, but I'm pretty sure if I did their stats would be almost as crazy as mine are.

"You will watch your tongue and reserve your threats for someone you actually stand a chance at beating... you would not want to anger me anymore than I already am, now would you, boy?"

"You would-dare, make me... the king of the Krabkin, take a knee-?"

"Hush." The Krab king's body follows his subjects' example and he lays flat on his stomach. I slowly walk up to him trying not to use a lot of my already low energy and get down with my bottom meeting my heels and my arms crossed over my knees.

"Now, I have two questions for you. One, both you and Siphious, are you not kings of two of the most powerful kingdoms in all of Oken?" Los asks since he's the one in control of my speech right now.

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