Chapter one:

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Roxanne and i finally reached Tulsa Oklahoma from Iowa wow what a drive. I found us a gas station called DX and decided we need gas and Cokes since its hot outside.

"Excuses me but can I get some gas and two Cokes?" I ask tapping my fingers.

Just than a young what looked like to be a seven-teen- six-teen year old person jumps up.

"I can help. Thats gonna be $5.38" he says looking at the total.
"Thanks" i say.
"Whats your name? You new here?" He asks before Roxanne and i leave.

"Yeah my name is Mackenzie but just call me Mack and this is Roxanne but she prefers 'Roxy'"

"Cool my names Soda pop Curtis but just call me soda. And this here is Steve Randle." He says shaking my hand.

"You two are quit fine Greaser girls?" Steve asked.

I say popping the p while shaking Steve's hand.

"Why don't we take you gals back to my house for a tour?" Soda asks looking at me like I'm bacon.

"Sure." I say walking with those two guys.

As we entered the house everyone looked at us.

"Hey Soda who's the Broads?" I hear a tough looking guy ask.
"Mack and Roxy" he said introducing us to everyone.
"Mack and Roxy thats Darry,Dally,Two-Bit,Pony boy but just call him Pony and Johnny,

"Hi." I say.

"Where you From Mack?" Darry asked.
"Were from Iowa" i say looking down at my feet.
"Quit the drive" he said.
"YeP." I say popping the 'P' again
"C'mon Mack I'll show you around town" Soda says meeting my gaze.
"And Roxy I shall show you around" Dally says talking to Roxy.
"O...Okay" i hear her stutter.

As soda and i walk he asks me a questions.
"Why did you Move?" He asks stopping dead in his trail.
"Roxy's Parents and mine were Verbal and Physical abuse to us" i squeaked out.
"Oh Johnny knows what it feels to have abusive parents". He says lifting my chin up to see his eyes.

"Where do you live?" He asks again.
"We don't have a place to stay" i explain looking at his pleading eyes.

"You can stay with us" he says.
"You sure?" I ask looking at his sparkling eyes.
"Yeah Darry and Us leaves the door unlocked just in case some of the gang members get mad at them folks" he says walking beside me.
"Oh okay" i say Entering his house.

Roxy's P.O.V

Dally and I were walking near some Water when we actually started Talking.
"So you moved here because of your guys Parents? And you have no where to stay?" He asks looking at me.
"Yeah." I say looking at my dirty Dusty old Red Sneakers.
"Well the Curtis Boys House they'll let you stay over. They always let us do if were mad at our folks." He says stopping quickly to catch up with me.
"Ever been to jail Sweet Heart?" I hear him ask me.
"Three times you?" I say with a smirk.
"Lots of times. What you do?" He asks holding his hand with mine.

"Fights. I like to fight you?"
"Oh Hell yeah Doll i adore fights" he says smirking back at me.
"Yeah i beat up quit a phew Soc's in my days." I say smiling.

Dally's P.O.V

I couldn't help but notice that she has the most prettiest smile that i ever seen. Even better than my Ex Broad Sylvia.

Dang she has a nice figure to her i like it its natural. Shes on my mind shes so pretty i only met her one hour again and i'm in love.

Shes the love of my life but I cant say that or admit to the gang i like her because I may go soft.

She seems to understand me better than anyone. And shes like a mini version of me. At least shes not always worried about breaking a nail or some crappy thing like that.

Shes pure Sold gold. She's pretty with her Dark copper hair and her Eyeliner and her glossy lips. Shes natural she don't wear to much or to dark of make up. Like most broads i pick up.

"Hm..?" I asks half day dreaming still.
"You okay?" She asks in a concerned voice.
"Oh yeah Doll I'm fine" i say walking with her into the Curtis boys House.

Authors note:

First chapter of my book please Comment of what you thought of it and please i need at least 1-5 votes to continue.

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