Authors Notes

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1. I probably won't be changing POV because I personally dislike it. I feel like it leads to confusion, plot holes, and it limits the amount of plot twists possible.

2. I will try to post as often as possible, but creativity comes and goes. I'm not going to post a horrible chapter just to get something down. I'm going to go with the flow, and write a quality story.

3. Please comment and suggest edits!!! I can take criticism. I want to know when I make a mistake, and at this point nothing a stranger on the internet says is going to hurt my feelings.

4. There will be NO sex, so if that's what your here for...Bye! There will be romance, but this story takes place in High School.

5. Although there will be romance, it might take a while. Just be patient and give my story a chance. I want to really set up the story, and I want it to be interesting and innovative. I love some cliches, but the majority of them I find cringy. I want to give yall something new.

6. I'm doing this on my phone, so chapters will probably be relatively short. How many words are most authors chapters?

7. I'm not going to use swear words, or include inappropriate content, because I figure there are probably some younger kids on the app and I want this story to be a good read for everyone.

8. Please don't steal my writing or ideas. Either pay someone else to write for you or pick up the pen yourself. You biggest critic is usually yourself (Unless your egotistical...) so just put yourself out there and go for it!!!

I hope you enjoy!!!

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