Chapter 16

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I'm so happy today!! I got my dream job of working for a big agricultural company, but it's in Florida. I'm gonna tell TRAVIS today, I hope he will move down there with me, cause if he doesn't go there, I may actually give up my dream job, but he will probably go with me.

So I'm just walking through one of the many gardens in Westminster, when the school 'player and all around hottest guy' Brian Chapman strides up next to me and gets a bit too close for my likings.
"Hello there babe, you, me, dinner at 6. What d'yah say?" He asks
"How about, uh, NO!"
"Why do you always turn down such a man like myself, beautiful?"
"Because I have a boyfriend who I love very much, now get out of my face you perv!"
"He doesn't have to know about us Kit Kat..." Then he pulls me towards him with so much force I stumble a little bit. Then he kisses me roughly. His lips are dry and cracked and not at all smooth like Travis's. Then he sticks his tongue in my mouth and moves it everywhere! (A/N this is really awkward for me to write!!) he won't let me pull away, because one hand is firmly holding my head in place while his other hand is on my waist, pulling me towards him even more. He then travels his hand down to the butt area and grabs it forcefully. He has crossed the line way to many times. First calling me kit Kat, then kissing me unmercifully, and not grabbing the unchartered territory. No one and I repeat no one has ever done that to me. And I personally expected the first person to do that to atleast be who I'm Dating!! I can't get away, I'm absolutely terrified. Then I get an idea. I knee him HARD in the place where the doesn't shine, if you know what I mean. Brian crumples to the floor and starts yowling in pain.
"And that's why you don't mess with strong girls with boyfriends!!" I scream at his face, and stomp off and bump into a boy with curly brown hair and icy blue eyes.

Travis looks at me amazed.
"What is it Stoll? You didn't know that your Demigod girlfriend had the guts to knee a perverted guy in the balls?" I ask him
"Oh...uhh... Well.. That was awesome!" He says and I sigh
"Oh my gods, classic Travis,. Come on captain brainless, I wanna show you my favorite garden, it also has the perfect view of the setting sun, and it's very romantic."
"I could go for some romantic with my favorite girl!"
I show him the garden and he agrees that it's amazing. I think so too. Then he pulls me closer and hugs me tightly and as close to him as possible, as if to say to all of the other guys, she is mine and only mine. Oh my gods if I saw my self now about a year or two ago I would have barfed like, eight times. I've come a long way from there, and I have fallen hard for Travis, Travis Cameron Stoll.

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