Chapter 5

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Katie POV
Miranda took me to her house and we chatted for a long time, talking about Miranda and Connor, because we were avoiding talking about Travis and I. That is, until Miranda said,

"I'm sorry for asking, but do you like Travis?" I sighed.

"Well I don't really know right now, but I think so. Though I keep avoiding it thinking that he will just break my heart like that idiot, Will did."

"I know you think it's just a prank, but I'm dating a Hermes kid, so if you start dating him, and he breaks your heart, the either my heart will break from a Stoll too, or Connor gets dumped." She says matter-of-factly.

"Thanks Mira."

"No prob Katie."

"On that happy note, I have to head home."

I leave her house and walk up to my old brick house that has a perfectly symmetrical and clean clipped yard, thanks to my Demeter powers. I walk up the stone path way and open the door. I step in and see my stepmom Alice, sitting on the couch in the living room.
"Katie..." She says with a sickly sweet voice, "you are LATE!" She barks, walking over to me and grabbing me by the hair.

"I-I'm sorry I just n-needed to talk with my s-si-sister" I say in between Alice's kicks.

"THAT IS NO EXCUSE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING BITCH!!" By then she is hitting me upside the head with a big metal spoon.

I scramble up the stairs and into my bedroom, locking the door. I take a shower, do my homework, water and care for my plants, and snuggle into my bed with my stuffed bunny that I got from my mother, Demeter, when I was born.

I wake up with a sharp pain in my side, but ignore it the best I can and get ready for school. I am going to confront Will today, and apologize to Travis. I really do like him... Who the Hades am I kidding, I LOVE him. I leave the house quietly so I don't wake up Alice and walk to school. When I arrive to school I go to my locker and put my bag away... Wait, there hasn't been a prank yet... They always do it in the morning, hmmmmm... Oh well. On my way to my Greek Mythology class I see just the person I was looking for(note the sarcasm) Will, and surprise, surprise, he is kissing-


Will is kissing Nico deAngelo, the small pale boy who is constantly being teased for being gay.

Why did will never tell me...?

I walk up to him and grab his hair, consumed with rage. It's one thing to be cheated on with another girl, but knowing that your boyfriend of a year wasn't even straight and was cheating on you with a guy? That's agony.

"YYYOOOOOWWW!!!!" He screeches. I grab his face so he is looking at me and I slap him as hard as I possibly can. Then I kick him in the spot where the sun does not shine(if you know what I mean) so hard I doubt he will be able to have children. He falls to the ground screaming for his mommy.

"And that is for cheating on me, asshole!" I yell at him and shake my head down at his curled up body as Nico is trying to help him up, wide eyed. "You could have told me, Will Solace. You could have told me that you were gay and I would have been fine." I hissed, and stormed away to my next class and taking a seat the back of the room, not wanting to be bothered.

"Hey Katie-Kat." Says a voice behind me

"Hi Travis"I say to him, slightly peeved that I wasn't being left alone.

"How'd Ya know it was me?"

"Because your voice makes me want to slap you and you are the only on brave enough to call me'Katie-Kat'" I tell him.

"Speaking of which you didn't tell me to to call you that" I can practically hear the smirk that is probably on his adorable face.

"Oh hush class is about to start" the teacher walks in the door and the schools day begins. At lunch I ask him to meet me in the park after school.

---After School---

I walk to Central Park after school and sit on a bench right underneath a willow tree. The tree has been there so long, the branches that hang down cover up the entire space below it. You can hardly see what is underneath it from the outside. I feel my phone vibrate and see text from Travis:
Where are you? I've been looking forever
I text him back:
Under the willow tree Stoll.
A few minutes later a tall boy with a muscular build and a mop of curly brown comes in.

It's Travis.

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