Chapter 3

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I was walking to the cafeteria to get lunch, where I got a crappy turkey and cheese sandwich, a water, a banana and chocolate pudding. The cafeteria was too loud for my liking as always and there was no where to sit, so I thought I'd eat outside instead.

"Hey, Travis..." I heard someone say seductively behind me before I got the chance to leave.

I turned around, only to see Drew standing like she was trying to be sexy. She wasn't.

"Oh, uuuhh hi Drew, bye Drew." I said trying to get out of there quickly. I felt a hand with long finger nails grab my arm, turn me around and suddenly my lips were being attacked by hers.

I pushed her off of me as fast as I could, wiping my lips. "What the hell Drew?!" I yelled at her.

She smirked, and pressed herself against me. "You know you liked it..." She moaned, biting her lip. I scrunched my face at her and pushed her off. I got out of there as fast as I could, and even forgot my lunch.

When I realized I left my food back at the caf I had to go back to get it and ended up striking up a conversation with some guy named Bill who I'd never met before. When we were done taking, I headed to the Courtyard to eat my lunch in the sweet, summer air, when I heard a ruckus in the hallways.

"Oh my gods Katie, who hurt you like this?" I didn't recognize the voice but I didn't care, because sudden,y anger and concern pulsed through me like a rocket.

I threw my lunch in the trash and sprinted towards the courtyard. I passed a smirking group of girls, and I knew that they were the ones responsible for it. It was Drew, Chantelle, and Alyssa. They've always been bitches.

In the hallway near the courtyard I saw my Katie laying on the ground with so many concerned students around her I couldn't even see what they were fussing about. I pushed my way through to find Katie's eye all purple and bruised, her face and forehead bleeding, and part of the side of her tee ripped up, revealing black and blue bruises all along her rib cage.

"Kit-kat?" I said softly. She didn't respond.

I quickly went into action and scooped her off of the ground and took her to the nurse.

Once we were there, I (reluctantly) texted Will to come quickly on my monster-proof phone Hephaestus gave me for my birthday.

Travis: hey man you may want to come to the nurses office
Travis: cuz that bitch Drew best the hell out of Katie. She' really badly hurt and needs ambrosia. I don't have any
Will:meh she can wait I'm busy
Travis: dude she is ur gf
Will: so?? she's not who I want.
Travis: um what?? How could she not be what you want? She's the nicest person I know and she's amazingly sweet! What did she ever do to you for her to deserve being left hurt and broken?!
Will: what do I care I only dated her so I wouldn't be single, so girls would stop throwing themselves at me.
Travis: well then who were you kissing in the courtyard the other day?!
Will: you saw that? Shit.
Will: but none of your business creep
Will:now leave me alone asshole


I woke up with a hand holding mine, and I thought it is Will, but his hands aren't this and soft. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I only see Travis, not Will, not Annabeth, not anyone except for Travis.

One part of me was glad he is holding my hand and is the only one who cares enough to stay here with me, but the other part was annoyed by the fact that I found it pleasant to be in the same room as a Stoll, much less possibly... liking... the most annoying one. I tried to sit up, only causing a sharp pain to shoot through my torso, so I laid back down.

"T-Tra-Travis? W-where's my b-boyfriend?"I managed to say. When I ask that that he just grimaced and gave me an apologetic look.

"When I tried to get him to come he said he was busy and that he doesn't want you, he never did. He's cheating on you, Kit-Kat..." I was about to say that he's lying and that Will cares about me, but my fears were confirmed when he showed me his yellow phone that is pulled up on a conversation with him and Will Solace. Sure enough Will was saying how I'm not important enough for him and how he never liked me, while Travis was standing up for me. So he actually does care...

I burst into tears as Travis held me in his arms while I bawled my eyes out, probably looking like a dying squirrel. In that moment he placed a finger under my chin and lifts it up so we are eye to eye, our noses only an inch or two apart. He leaned in and kissed me, straight on the lips.

I kissed him back.

We stayed like this for a few moments and then he pulled away, studying my face as I do his. Travis's curly brown hair was nice and soft, while his face was full of concern worry, and another emotion I didn't expect to be there. It was a deep fondness, adoration you could call it. And it was all for me.

Maybe we do have a chance...



Just kidding! Don't freak out on me now.

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