Chapter 13

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HELLO BOOK LOVAS!!! DISCLAIMER: DO I LOOK LIKE AN EVILY GENIUS MAN WHO HAS MILLIONS OF FANGIRLS BOWING DOWN AT HIS FEET?NOOOO IM AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRL WHO IS OBSESSED WITH FANFICTIONS AND BOOKS!!! All right go to the amazing RICK RIORDAN I only on my OCs and the plot. So I was thinking about how Tratie is now 18 so that means college!!! So I'm planning to add a few one shots from college in here after like two more (kinda short)chapters where they get into college and stuff just so you kinds get the gist of Travis and Katie's college experiences so any ways... Btw, Travis and Katie's colleges are both in Utah and are both real colleges. Westminster (Katie's college) specializes in outdoors, and Brigham Young (Travis's college) in track and field. HAPPY READING!!!
😈😈Travis POV😈😈
I wake up the next morning with my hair plastered to my face and drool on my pillow. Gross. I look around at my bunk area, which I decorated with a few pictures of Katie and I the first one is one of our first kiss. Yes the actual fist kiss, not the kiss under the willow tree, the one in the nurses office. Two others are of our trip to the beach. One of when I carried her over my shoulder into the water, and the other one is me sleeping on her shoulder as she reads on the shore. The. Last one is one I put up last night. It is of our kiss in the dining pavilion with the whole camp staring at us. I get up and realize that no one is in the cabin. I check my phone( I already explained phone thingy so don't complain cupcakes) it is 10:45!!

I know my cabin mates let me sleep because I wasn't getting much sleep during those 5 months when she was gone. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating because I would have dreams of Katie dying and killing herself, and I had no idea if they were even real or not. Luckily they weren't real, they were just basically signs saying that she is gonna kill herself and die because of me, but I didn't know that at the time. I text Kit Kat: sup r u up yet? She replies: no Trav, I'm sleeping I just magically got this message and Aphrodite is typing it for me. That was pretty sarcastic, that obviously is my Katie. I ask her if I can come over and she says sure. I throw on a CHB shirt and change into a pair of cargo shorts (A/N I don't really know what types of shorts boys wear in summer, I'm a girl, so Ya peace) and trudge out the door into the outside wilderness.

I walk over to the Demeter cabin and knock on the door. I have had my experiences where I walk in on a bunch of girls changing, so I know to knock now. Man, that day was scary.*shudder* Kit Kat comes up and opens the door, wearing a 'save the trees' tee, jeans shorts, and her favorite dirt and grass stained All Stars, she also put her hair up in a messy bun, I think that what they are called at least. (A/N that was Travis talking, not me, I know what a messy bun is, I wear one to school everyday)
"Sup Kit Kat?" I ask smoothly
"Beach?" She questions.
"Yah of course, I'll get on my bathing suit and you can get on yours."
"Already ahead of younTrav, as always." She says and moves the side of her t shirt, revealing a white and green tie dye strap.
"Ok then, I'll meet you at the beach." And with that I walk off and throw on my bathing suit and head down to the water, where I see my beautiful girlfriend with the seven, Calypso(Leo's gf), Chris(Clarisse's bf), Clarisse, and Miranda in Connor's lap.

Over a few yards away Will and Nico sat together, occasionally glancing over at our group. They were sitting criss-cross facing each other with their knees touching, and it looked like they were deep in conversation. As much as I hated Will for cheating on Katie back when they were together, he looked a lot happier now, and it was hard to hate someone who was just confused.

Eventually Will stood up, looking reluctant, but Nico kept pushing him towards us.

"Hey, uhh Katie?" Will asked Katie, who instinctively scooted closer to me when he approached. "Can I talk to you alone for a bit?"

Katie glared at him and shook her head. "No, you can't, Will. But you can talk to Travis and I alone."

"Okay, that works." He said, and we moved away from the rest of our friends for a moment.

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