Thank you! ILY

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Ok guys. This is gonna get deep.

So I wanted to let you ALL know that I love you guys SO SO SO MUCH!!! You have no idea how much it brightens up my day to see people voting, commenting, and adding my story to libraries and reading lists. I do read all the comments, and I check my wattpad quite a lot, and that has made me love you guys even more, if that's even possible. Ok I have one shout out, and that goes to @Amanda12 who was one of my first readers and the first one to speak up and tell me that they like my story and wanted me to continue. So I thank you for that, without you we wouldn't be here.

Now some of you may know that I started this as a little fling just for fun and the fact that I thought it would be fun to write a story. Now that little thing has turned into a mini-series kind of, with, get this, TEN THOUSAND READS!!! AHHHHHHH!!! I was so excited. And I started writing this almost as soon as I saw it. I am now what some believe to be a decent writer, and that is from you guys, because you ALL supported me and enjoyed my story probably more than I enjoyed writing it because sometimes(all the time) I would get frustrated and not know what to write. But I still got through it and now we have hit a huge milestone together and Troubled is now 22nd in Tratie!! Yayyyyy!!!

So some of you that have been with me for a while may know that I have changed a few things... Ok. A lot of things. The title used to be Love Strong, and the cover used to be this weird garden thingy and my username was Bellabob5 a and I used to be the worst writer on the face of this planet. Now the title and cover are different, (you know what they are) and my username is now Slightly_Invisible and now I am also a somewhat decent writer!! Yay!!! So yah. I now have a sequel to this and one short story, and a selection fanfic(if you like things like a new girl in the Selection for maxericas son then check that out you'll find it in my works it's much better quality than this😉) I also have this really stupid story that I bet no one likes where it's a collab with my two friends, thatmajesticfangirl  and lays_potato_chip ,which is basically a fanfiction of us and our fictional boyfriends in a alternate version of CHB so yah. Don't check that one out, (unless you actually want to or want to see me make a fool of myself) cause it kind of sucks, and it's mainly just for our enjoyment. Also go check out my two friends mentioned above cause they are awesome they both have amazing stories!! ☺️ so that is all, and remember,


Oh and I love you guys... Forgot to mention that... JK LOVE YOU

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