Chapter 7

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Katie POV
I am dreading the end of the days more and more as the week goes on. Alice has been hitting me and beating me, and now she is drinking a lot so it's gotten much worse. Today is Thursday and we go to camp on Saturday, so I just have to wait today and tomorrow, but I'm still really nervous about her. This is the worst time for her to start really abusing me, with finals and all. I want to go to camp early but we still have to do finals today and then tomorrow is a bit more of a free day review sorta thing. You know, Alice has been abusing me for a long time, but ever since my dad died last year, she has been worse and worse, and now alcoholic drinks are involved.
At least I have Travis...
"Hey Kit Kat!" Travis yells at me, waving a hand in front of my face
"W-wha-wait, huh?" I splutter
"Uh class is over and the teacher is glaring at us" he wispers
"Oh, uh, let's go then, Bye Mr. Fleench!" I say to the teacher as we bolt out the door.
Travis and I decide to "get sick" and go home for the rest of the day, but since the school trusts us for some strange reason, they didn't call our parents. So, us being the not so responsible teenagers we are, we decide to go to the Willow tree where we had our fist OFFICIAL kiss. We step through the leafy blanket, hand in hand, and relax on the soft green grass.
"Hey Kates?" Asks Travis
"Ya?" I say playfully batting my eyelashes,
"When, ugh, you said th-that you l-love me, did you really mean it?" It shocked me that he would even ask this, but I knew my answer immediately.
"Yes, Trav, I do love you." And I seal it by kissing him. I grab his hand and hop up, running towards the fountain with Travis in tow. I cup my hands in the running water, and I flick a huge portion at his face, and since I have perfect aim it hit him in just the place I wanted it to.
"Oh so you want to play that game, AY?!" He shouts and splashes me with water. Soon enough it becomes a full fledge water fight and we are drenched. Then, of course it starts raining and we run around and dance and kiss like no one is watching, but lots of people ARE watching and giving us confused and dirty looks as we pass. Travis gives me his hoodie because I am shaking, and then we continue on.
Not wanting to be late again, we walk out of the park and he drops me off at my house. I walk in and surprisingly, Alice is no where to be seen. I start heading upstairs to my room when I hear,
"KATIE GET YOUR USELESS F**KING BODY DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!" Great she is slurring, now she is drunk well this will be marvelous. I sigh thinking, ' yah right you'll kill me, lady I've been through two wars no teenager should have to go through.' But I tromp downstairs to find a very angry Alice who's hair is plastered to her ugly face and is wearing a bath robe and holding an empty beer bottle in her hand.

Her hand connects with my face, sending pain through my cheek."YOU ARE LATE AGAIN YOU NO GOOD EXCUSE OF A GIRL!!" Then she kicks me sending me tumbling backwards. Then she picks me up by my hair and holds her empty bottle high in one hand. I realize what she is gonna do right before she does it. She slams the bottle down on my face and I hear a crack and feel breaking glass against the side of my head and searing pain makes my body go limp. I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey Katie, ugh I think you have my hoodie!" Travis's muffles voice says
"Oh look it's that wimp from this morning, but he can't save you, the doors are locked." Alice slurs in my ear.
"Hey Katie, uhh, are you in there?"
She continues to smash beer bottles on me and then I think she runs out, but I can feel that I've already lost too much blood and I'm getting lightheaded.
"Katie?! Was that glass?! KATIE?! ARE YOU OKAY??!!! THATS IT IM COMING IN!!!" I hear smashing on the other side but I know this is it, this is how my life will end. My drunk step mother will kill me from blood loss. Alice retires to kicking me any where that is vulnerable and open, which is pretty much everywhere. Black spots dance in my eyes and I can just barley make out the tall, curly haired figure who breaks down the door and tackles Alice before I black out.

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