Tratie One Shot

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Hi guys! So, this was inspired by misscaitlinmarie who suggested this one-shot (which by the way I adored this prompt and had a ton of fun with it!) and also EEmmanTheNerd who wanted me to make more stories like this (sorry I'm like, really late, but hopefully this one shot will satisfy you) and sorry if there's any mistakes!

Anyways I hope you enjoy this! And send me more suggestions in the future, I read every single one of you guys' comments, and I always reply to suggestions! Thanks!

**note: this has no relevance to the events in the main book, this takes place before they even start to date.

****also a note: there is some cussing in this, I censored it as best I could so it's pretty mild, but I think it added a lot more to the story and made it more realistic. Sorry if you don't like it!

-Bella 💕

The power to control plants and basically anything involved with the Earth is a perk about being a Demeter kid, although not everyone has this perk. I and my sister Miranda were lucky enough that our mother blessed us with this power when were born. She said she had a feeling we would go far in life. I personally don't know where that "feeling" came from, but whatever!

My powers have always been helpful when it comes to landscaping emergencies, or when we need to travel above the ground and not everyone can fly, but now they are especially helpful, because I'm planning to prank the Stolls.

Yes, you heard me. I, Katherine Rosita Gardner, am pranking Conner and Travis Stoll, the two kings of pranks here in Camp Half-Blood.

Crazy, I know, but it needed to be done.

Just two days ago those stupid Stoll brothers decided that it would be just hilarious to sneak up on me after I got out of the shower in the bathhouse and dump sewage water on me. I kid you not, they actually did that. Right after I got out of the shower, too! If you really smell me, you'll still catch a whiff of that disgusting liquid.

How they even got their hands on such a thing is beyond me, but then again they were Hermes kids. They could pretty much get anything they needed if it was for a prank, whether it was by stealing it or buying it, they could get it.

But I've had enough. They've pranked too many people(although it's mostly me) too many times, and I think I can speak for the whole camp when I say that they need to be put in their place.

Now, what's this brilliant plan I've cooked up you may wonder?

Well, I'll give you two words. Hell Flowers.

Hell Flowers are a special type of flower from the underworld that, upon getting too close to them, will reenact your worst fear, scaring the Hades out of you. I heard Persephone talking to my mom about them one time during her six months on the surface, and then I learned how to grow them in case I needed them for a fight.

But using them this way sounds so much more appealing.

My plan is to clear the Hermes cabin of everyone except Travis when he takes his 2 o'clock nap, and then plant them by the door so he'll run next to them and get scared. I'll lure him out with a fake monster attack, and then my work will be done.

It's perfect.

I approached the Hermes cabin quietly, trying not to draw attention. It's not everyday that you see Katie Gardner heading to this particular cabin.

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