The Visit

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I woke up about 9am to loud pounding on the door. Laura had gone out somewhere with Charlie, and Neil had gone to work. I laid still for just a moment more to make sure that what I was hearing was real, and then I heard it again. I dreadfully rolled out of the bed to go see who was at the door. As I started down the steps, I fell to the bottom. Unbothered by it, I opened the door. 

"Well you look fantastic this morning." I rubbed my eyes and looked up and saw Uncle Scott.

"Thanks for that." I stretched and my back popped which for some reason scared Scott. He started asking me if I was okay, and I assured him multiple times I was. 

"Where'd everyone go? Are you alone?" He looked around. 

"Uncle Scott, it's a Thursday. Neil's at work, and Charlie went somewhere with Aunt Laura." I didn't mean to have an attitude with him. 

We sat and talked for a while. I eventually went upstairs to get changed when he sat down on the couch to watch TV. I put on my ripped jeans and a long sleeve crop top I forgot I had. I heard Charlie and Laura walk through the door and greet Scott, so I walked downstairs. 

"Scott, what are you doing here?" Laura asked putting her things down on the kitchen table. 

They turned and walked the other direction as if they were trying to keep something a secret. I asked Charlie if he knew what they were talking about, but he said no. I tried to listen from a  closer location, but they went outside so no one could hear them. When they finally walked inside, Laura looked at me with a look that concerned even me. She looked worried. 

"When were you going to tell me you quit believing y/n?" She asked resting her chin on her fist. 

"In what? Santa? When I decided to grow up." I didn't think it was that big a deal, but they were both so offended. 

"Where's the snow globe?" Scott asked folding his arms. 

I walked up stairs to get the snow globe. I had it in the back of my closet and forgot about it. It was covered in dust and looked as if it would barely work. I brought it back to Uncle Scott, and he examined it. He shook it up, and a beautiful scenery unfolded inside the glass ball. I was amazed. Why had I never noticed this? I shook it up when I was eight, but never payed attention to what it did.

"What is that?" I asked in amazement. 

"The North Pole." Scott said in a 'you should know this' tone. 

"Scott, she never goes with you, maybe you should take her. I mean it always has been Charlie. Take them both back this time." Laura put her hand on her shoulder and made him take it into consideration. 

They exchanged looks for a little bit, and then finally agreed to let me go. I felt they were just trying to pull me into their imaginations. I mean I get Scott looks like Santa, but the joke was getting old. No adult actually believes in Santa. 

"Okay, y/n, you're going to go back with me and Charlie. We will leave in the morning, so pack a bag with clothes." He smiled and pointed towards the bedrooms. 

I quickly walked upstairs. I had mixed emotions at the moment. Was this real? Was he actually Santa? Then the thought crossed my mind. Will I see...Bernard?

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