Holy Matrimony

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I sat on the couch still blushing as Bernard was till trying to get Curtis to spill the beans about the "other clause". It started getting pretty tense when Bernard yelled at Curtis for forgetting to tell him about it. I dazed off for a minute until I finally heard...

"MATRIMONY?! I gotta get married!" Scott said in a loud shocked tone.

"It's the 'Mrs. Clause". Bernard stated.

"Well how long do I have to find a wife?" He asked as he tightened his belt to fit.

"28 days." Curtis said with almost no emotion.

"Did you just say...28 days? There's no way! No offense, but what woman will agree to get married in less than a month?" I said standing up and walking over to the fuss.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to have to go back home and find a wife." He sounded really depressed and honestly I felt bad. Really bad actually. He loves this job.

"I can go help if you want." I suggested.

"No no. I'll take charlie back, and you can stay here. I'll figure something out." He sighed and got ready for his meeting with the Council of Legendary Figures.

I walked out of the room with Bernard. He looked troubled and frustrated. I was really debating on asking him what was wrong. I mean I didn't know what would happen if he didn't get a wife?

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked him as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"If he doesn't find a wife, there will be no more Santa, no more North Pole, no more elves," he turned to me "and I can't leave you like that."

His eyes began to fill with tears. He was literally heart broken. I could feel myself starting to break as he said the words "I can't leave you like that". Breaking the moment, Curtis came out of the room yelling he had an idea.

"Come with me" he said as we entered another part of the workshop.

He asked all the other elves to leave the room so he could explain to us what he had in mind. He told us he tripled the ram on this machine. I had no idea what it was or what it did. I never visited this part.

"Wait you want to make a fake santa?" I asked looking up at the huge contraption.

"Yup" He agreed to my question.

I walked to the other side of it while they discussed whatever. I heard them agree with going through with his plan, and we all watched as Scott duplicated himself. When he and the toy santa came out...well of course it was naked. I was terrified and begged someone to cover it up.

"Hello?" Scott waves his hand in front of it. The toy santa babbled and Scott repeated himself.

"Hello?" The toy santa repeated.

He talked to the toy santa for a minute and I looked at Bernard.

"No one will fall for it." I whispered.

"I know but it's here now and we gotta do something." He said looking at it.

"Bernard, y/n come here" Scott insisted.

We walked around to the other side of everything and he explained what we needed to do.

"I think if you keep them at a distance..."

"They're not gonna fall for it. Look at it" I tried to yell in a whisper.

We all eventually left the room and Scott went back to his suite with the toy santa to find it clothes. I stayed with Bernard because I could tell he was still shattered.

"It's gonna be okay. I think everything will work out." I said trying to comfort him.

"Its like you said. What woman is willing to get married in less than a month." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing is going to happen to you." My voice started to shake. I really didn't want to lose him...but what if I did?

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