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(Play music when you see 🎄🎄)

What was a sweet kiss turned into a full blown make out session, even heavier than last night. You giggled as he kissed your neck softly, giving you both a few moments to catch your breath.

"I like vacation" I panted out and he brought his face back up to meet my lips for a short kiss.

"You may like it more than you thin-" Bernard had started but was cut off by a loud banging on his front door.

"I'll get it" he pulled away from me and I hopped off the counter.

I didn't eavesdrop as I trusted Bernard, but he was at the door for quite a long time. Just as I began to feel a bit troubled he walked up to me putting his pointy shoes on.

"Gotta deal with some stuff at the Workshop, just a few things I gotta go over with Curtis, you stay here, I'll be back in a few hours ok?" He gave me a quick kiss and was out the door before I could even say I love you.

I kept my self ocuppied in the house for about an hour, cleaning here and there, leaving little love notes hidden in his house. Eventually I got bored and decided to head back to my room and maybe pay a quick visit to Bernard.

I pulled on my shoes that had still been by the front door and walked out, setting off to the workshop.

■ Time Skip ■

As I walked through the big doors to the workshop I expected to be met by the loud hustle and bustle of the eleves, but the workshop was dead, not a single elf in sight. Bernard must be in his office then. It wasn't too far and it was on the way, so I might as well say hi.

Eventually I made it to the door, I noticed it had been cracked open a tiny bit and I heard talking coming from inside

"Just remember, when she leaves, we can do this all the time" I heard a girl giggle and my heart dropped.

"I know Dollface, I can't stand spending time away from my person" I heard Bernard coo and pushed the door open, to see them both half dressed.

"You say that to everyone? Or just the girls you sleep with?" Both their heads snapped towards me and Bernard practically threw her across the room, standing up abruptly.

"Y/N Its not what it-"

"No, seriously Bernard it fine, all good" I plastered a sarcastic smile onto my face and walked away. I stomped off to my room and slammed the door behind me.


I wanted to go home now.

I started quickly throwing clothes into my suitcase as I stomped around convincing myself I didn't care. I didn't care right? I mean it's only been a month, I don't need him.

I'd almost packed everything up when my eyes fell upon the snow globe I had placed on my dresser when I arrived here. In a fit of pure rage I grabbed it and threw it at the wall. It shattered into a million pieces.

And it was right in that moment that I fell apart, I collapsed onto the bed and began to cry. I was sobbing violently, shaking and screaming. I cared, I cared so much. He meant everything to me, every smile, every joke, every laugh meant so much to me, and I was just a fling. How could I be so stupid?

Almost like a small trailer playing in the back of my head, I played the moments we shared together over and over again in my head. The first time I saw him laugh, the first time we kissed, and the first night we spent together, and it all meant nothing to him.

But I still couldn't stop thinking about him. The way his hair fell perfectly under that adorable beret, his big brown puppy dog eyes, that adorable smile he does when he's nervous and his touch, God I missed his touch already. I felt used, dirty, I felt like a toy. Bernard had completely broken me and I couldn't figure out how to get back up and pick up all the pieces.

As I slowly began to calm down, my eyes became heavy and I finally began to drift to sleep.

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