Married Man

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Oh my god, what just happened?! I went the rest of the day just thinking about it. Part of me didn't was to run into him due to the lack of words I was able to form, but then again, I begged myself to make sure it happened again. 

I was sitting outside, leaned up against one of the walls at the stairs going up to the workshop. I stared into the great beyond lost in my thoughts. Did I really admit my feelings to him? Did he actually feel the same, or did he just want me to shut up and that's the only way he thought he could? I'm overthinking this. 

Curtis walked down the stairs and spotted me. We exchanged looks and then he went on about his way. I started thinking about Scott. What if he didn't find a wife in time? What if I really had to go on with life without Bernard? He made me feel like a brand new person every time I saw him. 

"You okay?" I looked up and saw Bernard standing over me.

"Yeah I guess so." He reached out his hand to help me up. I dusted the little bit of snow off my legs. He smiled at me. I didn't know what to say to him. 

"I-I'm sorry about ear-" 

"No no please don't apologize for that." I stopped him. I started blushing because the thought of it happening again came flooding back to my mind.

"You just weren't saying anything afterwards so I thought I had messed up pretty bad." he said kicking the snow a little bit with his pointy shoe. 

"You really think you messed up? I literally said you were something to fall in love with up here not knowing if you felt the same or not." I let out a nervous laugh.

"I like you. I have fun with you, and every time I'm around you, I get this peaceful feeling over me. I lose my train of thought and forget how I'm supposed to run the North Pole." He blushed and put his hands in his face and rubbed his eyes in embarrassment. 

"Hey hey," I said trying to grab his hand from his face. "I know how you feel because I feel the same exact way." I smiled a little. 

The next day, we waited in the stables hoping Scott would come back with a wife. I counted down the days I might have left with Bernard. We went back inside to see the toy Santa taking over the naughty and nice list and making it his own. Bernard began to panic. 

"What's he doing over there?!" Bernard scrambled around trying to find Curtis. 

I frantically looked around with Bernard. He finally found Curtis in another room and informed him about the Santa. They talked to him and tried to convince him what he was doing was wrong. He wouldn't listen. In fact, he was so convinced himself he was the real Santa. 

This went on for about 3 days before he made his announcement to give all the kids in the world coal. All the elves started freaking out and became very skeptical of the Santa. Bernard finally stood on a higher elevation. 

"THAT'S NOT THE REAL SANTA!" He yelled through the whole room.

The elves started frantically chattering and scurrying about trying to figure out what to do. I ran over to Bernard, but the toy Santa had commanded two toy soldiers come and put us on house arrest. They carried us all the way to Bernard's house and threw us at the door. We walked in, and I threw myself down on the couch and started crying . 

"Hey don't cry Dollface." He said beside me and pulled me close to him. 

"How can I not? The toy Santa is going to ruin Christmas, Scott isn't back yet, and at this point he has hours, and to top it all off, I'm going to lose you as the result of it all." I wrapped my arms around him and tried to calm down. Something wet hit my forehead, and I realized that he was crying too. 

"It's going to be okay." His voice was shaking. 

We sat there for a few minutes longer before an elf popped up at the door. I quickly wiped my face off and got up to see what they wanted. 

"Scott's back, and he has a woman with him!" The elf informed us. 

"Are you being serious?!" Bernard heard me and got up and I turned to him. "He's back with someone!" 

We ran as fast as we could back to the workshop. The toy Santa was being dealt with by Scott and me, Bernard, Charlie, and all the elves took down the toy soldiers. We put the toy Santa back through the big machine making him smaller. 

I went to go see who the new bride was and to my surprise, it was my old principal. Principal Newman. At first I was in shock, but then I watched the way she seemed so happy with my uncle and that this finally meant that Bernard was here to stay. 

"Congratulations" I said as I gave her a hug. 

"On what?" She smiled as she waited for an answer. 

"Please propose quickly Scott!" I turned to my uncle. 

He explained everything that was going on and what would happen if he didn't get married. He finally got down on one knee and popped the question. It was such a beautiful thing to watch. I put my head on Bernard's shoulder as I watched. 

We all ran out in front of the workshop and watched the beautiful, quickly thrown together ceremony. Bernard grabbed my hand and pulled me in to hold me. It was in this moment, I knew I was in love with him. Scott got in the sleigh with Charlie, and they flew off to deliver actual presents. 

"Hey, let's get out of here." Bernard smirked and grabbed my hand. I giggled knowing we were going back to his house.

We walked through the door and just stood there staring at each other until he leaned down and kissed me once again.  

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