Ink Stains

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I woke up an hour later to someone shaking me. I looked up and it was Scott. I started bawling as I leaned up to hug him. He sat down beside me and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. 

"What happened?" He asked in almost a whisper. 

"So this morning, I was with Bernard when someone knocked at his door. I was being respectful and didn't eavesdrop on the conversation, but he was over at his door for a long time. He finally came back over to me, and grabbed his shoes, and told me he would be back in a few hours and told me to stay home.  Of course, I spent the next hour cleaning and then I got bored, so I came here to see what he was doing. I walked in his office," My voice started breaking. "I saw him without a shirt with another girl who also didn't have on a shirt. He was calling her names and saying they could do this all the time when I was gone" I had completely broke down again. My mind was flooded with all our memories once again. 

"Have you talk to him about it?" he sat me up to talk to my face.

"N-no. I don't want to talk to him. I wanna go home." I said as large tears strolled down my face. 

"Then let me say something to him." Scott demanded. I just shook my head in agreement and he left the room. When he opened the door, I saw Bernard try to run through the door, but Scott refused to let him in. 

"You need to tell me what you just did that tore my niece up." I heard Scott yell.

"I swear it's not what it looks like!" He said again.

"Tell me now or you will lose your head elf position." Scott stood over him making Bernard feel so small and helpless. He pushed passed Scott to walk in the room to talk to me. 

"Let me explain." He begged me. I Backed away from him and tried to hear him out. 

"Okay go." I whispered.

"This morning, the person at the door was the elf in my office. I told you to stay home so I could do what needed to be done. I was in my office with her writing things down that I was going to need whenever I dumped the jar of ink on us." He threw both of their ink stained clothes at me. 

"What were you writing down?" I asked as I examined the clothes. 

"What I was supposed to say to you. I was reading them off when you walked in on us. She was sitting on my desk because I don't have anywhere else to sit in there. We were half naked because we were wearing ink. She was laughing because I kept telling her the things that you did that made me happy, and you also misheard me when you walked in. To repeat my words, I said, 'and even when no one is gone, I still feel like we're alone, I never want to lose you Dollface.' She was so close to me so she could show me this." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a little soft blue box. My heart immediately dropped. 

"W-Wait i-" He cut me off. 

"This is for you, but I won't give it to you till you believe me." He said with tears in his eyes. 

"He's telling you the truth." The elf I saw him with was standing in the door way. "I was just trying to help him make sure everything was perfect."

"Just give me a few minutes to get myself under control." I said silently. Everyone but Scott had left the room. 

"Do you believe him?" He asked as he set down on the bed beside me. 

"Yes and no. Why would he lie on front of you, but why would he admit to cheating? I have proof from the clothes, I just don't know what to do now. I definitely over reacted" I said leaning into Scott. 

"I think you need to apologize, and then ask him what it was all for." Scott had found the broken snow globe on the floor, walked over to it and touched it. Magically, it was put back to normal. "Change your clothes, redo your makeup, then go talk to him." Scott demanded as he left the room. 

I changed my clothes and redid my makeup. I put on my leggings and sweatshirt and walked out the door still light headed from crying. 

I immediately ran into Bernard and blood just rushed to my head

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I immediately ran into Bernard and blood just rushed to my head. I felt dizzy and wanted to leave his presence, but then again, I just wanted him to tell me it was all okay. I gave him a hug and apologized for over reacting. He instantly forgave me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. 

"Look over there." I turned my head and saw absolutely nothing. When I turned back, he was down on one knee holding a ring with a massive diamond in it. 

"Y/n, will you please forgive me for making you think I didn't love you and for not being honest about what I was doing?" He begged

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"Y/n, will you please forgive me for making you think I didn't love you and for not being honest about what I was doing?" He begged

"Of course I forgive you." I said as a smile broke out onto my face.

"Then will you make me the happiest elf in the world and marry me?" I started to cry happy tears. He slipped the ring onto my finger and I fell to the floor on him. All the other elves had come out earlier and cheered and applauded us. Even the elf he was with gave me a hug and apologized. 

He leaned in and kissed me and whispered in my ear "I love you". I felt on top of the world. 

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