Stay Safe

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I quickly grabbed onto Bernard's hand and squeezed hard, this day was getting worse and worse.

"What you just experienced was a mild heart attack. we got you on bypass quick enough and managed to stop it. You and the baby are fine for now, but its time you've gotten your act together Ms. L/N, if you don't, you could suffer a fatal heart attack, possibly a stroke."

"well where do we start? I mean there's gotta be somewhere to start" Bernard stuttered out as he squeezed my hand, I could tell he was scared.

"She should be eating properly, 3 times a day. We suggest a specific diet for the first few weeks. Based on how she does we'll see when you guys can go home." They chatted for awhile going over my chart and what was going to be best for the baby.

" What if i don't do all of this?" I interjected

"Then im afraid only one of you will make it out of this" he pointed to my stomach

instinctively my hand was brought to the small bump forming on my stomach. although I would do anything to keep this baby alive, eating would be hard. 


boy was I wrong. in the past week i had craved paint, drywall, pickle juice and raw eggs. being four months pregnant was difficult but Bernard kept me on my feet. We had been staying at my place with my family for about 2 weeks, I wasn't strong enough to go back to the Pole yet.

"You sure you're ok with this? you've missed so much work already" i said as he began to rub my feet

"Babe. C'mon what kind of father and fiance would i be if i didn't treat you like loyalty. plus Curtis has things under control, i think." i giggled as he made a cute face. even now, everything about him makes me melt.

"ow" i said as the baby kicked "i've got a bloody soccer player in here I swear" he chuckled and kissed my head 

"You're cute when you're grumpy"

"mhm, i know" I brought him in for a kiss. i meant for it to be short, be he had other plans.

he immediately biting my bottom lip for entrance. I have it to him while i simultaneously melted, it had been awhile. 

he kissed my neck, which had just healed from his previous hickeys. "don't think i didnt notice" he cooed as he acted my sweet spot. 

i held back a moan, thankfully, because someone was walking upstairs. 

Knock, Knock, Knock

"come in" i shouted as i pushed Bernard away from my neck, as much as i didn't want to.

the door opened slightly, Neil appeared in the door way 

"Hey guys. can i talk to Y/N alone for a moment?" he smiled awkwardly, he was always awkward around Bernard.

"sure thing" he nodded and walked out, probably to go talk with Charlie.

he sat down beside me, something was off, he was abouting to break bad news.

" oh god what now?!" i wasn't sure why i was already annoyed, he hadn't even spoken yet.

"nothing, everything's fine. I just wanted to have a talk. You've been so enthralled in Bernard and your pregnancy, you haven't left this room in 3 days"  it was true. i had been in here too long. moving just hurt and my back was always killing me. 

" I just want to know." he pulled on the collar of his shirt slightly

"do you guys need these?" he showed me a handful of condoms, and i'm pretty sure i was beat red. 

'Neil! i'm already pregnant you think i'm going to have sex?! in my house?! WITH YOU HOME?!" i sighed

"I don't need them Neil, i appreciate your concern."

"I just know pregnancy doesnt stop a lot of people and i wanted to make sure you were safe. Please don't hesitate to ever ask me for any help." The way he looked at me, made me think he was forced to do this.

"Laura put you up to this didn't she?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"It was actually Scott" he laughed nervously

"Can I have my fiance back now?" I laughed sarcastically

"Right. I'll go find him" he said closing my bedroom door behind him.

I stared at the ceiling. In the grand scheme of things, this had all happened so fast. All the sudden Bernard was back and we clicked so soon. Then the kiss, the sex, Isabelle, the ring, the baby. All in 4 months.

I never thought I would find the love of my life. I never showed interest in boys at school, or anywhere for that matter. But something inside me automatically yearned for Bernard's love and I couldn't hold it back.

I wondering when the wedding is?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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