🤠chapter 1🤠

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A time in the world where things were feeling a little of putting. There was always one thing that you could count on and that was-the heroics- our planet's very own team of super heroes, who have never failed at their job.

One day, Tech-No and Miracle Guy were checking space to see what was coming. Miracle Guy flew out of the earth's atmosphere while Tech-No waited for him close to the last layer of the sky.

Miracle Guy had looked around and saw a broken down solar-ray and a big ship a
few feet away from where he was. But that wasn't the worst thing. One after the other, smaller ships had came into view. The ships had attacked Miracle Guy making him unconscious and tumbling down to earth.

Just in time, Tech-No had caught him but his jet pack had just ran out of fuel. This made them bot tumble down to Earth.

This was the only day our heroes had fallen. But from that, others had rose.


Third Person POV:

Y/N and Missy were sleeping in their shared bedroom, when suddenly their Heroic alarm blasted alive as soon as it hit 7am. The two girls had then shot out of their beds with their eyes fully open. Missy had groaned and shut of the alarm.

The two took a deep breath and stood up to walk to their full length mirror in the corner of their room.

"I can't believe I'm actually putting thought into what I'm going to wear", Y/N wondered aloud.

They had both pulled out two shirts each. Missy had pulled out a pink shirt and a black one with a skeleton in the centre. "This one says, talk to me and this one says leave me alone. Perfect!"

She had placed back the pink shirt and turned to her step-sister. "How about you, Y/N/N?"

Y/N had pulled out a hot pink shirt with a blue heart on the front, and a black shirt with a grey snowflake in the centre. The hanger become covered in frost as she examined it and said, "This one says I'm cute", she said holding u the hot pink shirt. Then she looked at the black shirt. "And this one says I freeze. Perfect!"

The two girls both smirked at each other and where about to exchange a high five when the bot realised what would happen if they do. "Oops", they both laughed.

Y/N'S superpowers were somewhat uncontrollable. Whatever she touched, would either get frosted or would turn to pure ice. Suddenly, the bracelet of Missy was alerted.

"Breakfast is ready, girls", Marcus (their father) said from the bracelet.

"Okay, dad. We will be right there", Missy had replied.

They had both taken turns to shower and change into their clothes. Downstairs, their father- Marcus Moreno- had his eyes glued to the TV screen in the kitchen that had showed the news about Miracle Guy being sent to the hospital. He then immediately shut it off when both of his daughters walked into the room.

Y/N and Missy had joined their father and stared at what their father had been doing in disgust. Marcus had cracked the eggs into the sink rather than into the bowl. "Hey sweeties. Did you both sleep well?", He had questioned.

Y/N took the shells and looked at her father, the shells then immediately turned frosted. "Did you?"

The three of them eventually sat down at the dining table and poured cereal into their bowls. Marcus looked at his daughters and said, "I see you are wearing 'Leave me alone' and 'I freeze'. Well, I want you to try and make some new friends."

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