🎈Wildcards Ending Chapter 8🎈

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TW:mention fo suicide
Your POV:
As we were waiting for Wildcard and missy to wake up, my head was still hurried into Noodles chest.

"They are taking so freaking long to wake up!", said Wheels making all of us sigh and nod our heads.

"This isnt right, i love Wildcard maybe something happened to him at Missy's grandmother's?" I though.

All of a sudden, Missy and Wildcard awoke out of there slumber.

"Ugh now that we are awake we should go and rescue our parents also I don't care what anyone of you say about me because im more perfect than all of you and will have my own way", Missy ranted.

All of us made our way towards the are that had the cubed thing in (i forgot what it was called) ojo then started to talk.

"Huh, i thought you guys would be more smart than this."

"What the heck are you on about Ojo?", I asked.

"Your so oblivious, I have been on the dark side all along and i have been watching over you.", Ooh said like it was obvious.

"Hold your horses you mean you haven't actually been on the good side and you have been observing us?", Wildcard said.

"Obviously, is that not what i just said?", Ojo said probably getting agitated.

"Well who would have guessed that you were bad?", Y/N said.

"Smart people would have Y/N!", Missy shouted at me.

"Please Missy you probably didn't even know until ojo told us you idiot.", Y/N said starting to get mad.

That caused Missy to shut her hole.

Ojo then started to draw little alien monsters that we had to defeat. One came up at the back of Noodles and I quickly froze it which then caused Guppy to punch it really hard sending bits of ice everywhere.

Before we had anytime to carry on fighting, Noodles had wrapped his arms around Ojo's waist sit that Y/N could freeze her.

When ojo was frozen, the shield on the cubed thing came down and revealed all of our parents and Missy's grandma.

Everyone went to hug there parents but as Marcus Moreno was about to go up to Y/N she had trailed along side guppy and had went over to sharkboy and Lava girl.

"Hey mum, Hey dad.", Y/N said shyly.

"Hey darling, we are so sorry that we abandoned you we just thought you wouldnt like us because we thought you were normal and dint have powers.", Lava girl tried explaining.

"Mum its okay, I'm thankful that im back with you guys because i got treated badly by Missy and she nearly caused me to suicide." Y/N explained to her mother while holding guppy on her hip.

Before her parents could say anything else, Wildcard had made his way up to the girl.

"Hey Y/N can we talk?", he asked nervously.

"Yeah sure.", Y/N replied.

As soon as they walked away, Wildcard began to rant.

"Look im so sorry I was being mean to you. At missy's grandmothers house when I drank my lemonade i felt really strong feelings for Missy and i don't k ow why hut i think it may have something to do with Anità spiking my drink with a love po-."

Before Wildcard had finished Y/N smashed her lips onto his. He eventually melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist. As Y/N pulled back she said:

"Look its okay just don't do it again and also I should go tell Noodles that me and you are together."

With that, Y/N went over to Noodles.

"Hey noodles can we talk?", she asked.

"Yeha sure whats up?", Noodles asked nervously.

"I'm sorry that im about to say this but me and Wildcard are together. He explained everything to me about what happened and i forgave him." Y/N ranted on.

"Hey it's okay Y/N I just wanted to see you happy again and if he makes you happy then I'm happy.", Noodles said honestly.

"Thank you so much Noodles!",Y/N said while hugging him.

"You're welcome.",He said hugging her back.

And with that lady's and gentlemen Wildcard and Y/N are living a lovely life where Missy is no where in the picture.
(If you know what happened to missy in the end her and her father ignored everyone and went back to earth)

A/N:okay Everyone I have finially updated I know the ending is trash and it's not a very good chapter but tomorow i will be doing the Noodles chapter as its 2:17 am over her. Comment down below some stories you would like me to do :) enjoy

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