🍕Chapter 3🍕

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"Can I borrow these for a minute?", Missy asked while Ojo handed her the iPad. Missy tugged on her half-sister's arm signalling her to follow Missy. She then whispered into Y/N's ear and explained it very quickly.

"Really?....", Y/N nodded as she listened to Missy. "Uh-uh... okay...What the-"

Guppy shook her head at Y/N, knowing that she could of had said a naughty word.

"Chicken nuggets.", Y/N finished seeing guppy shaking her head then rolling her eyes. "Okay, got it, sis."

Missy looked at the class, Y/N standing right beside her. "Ojo draw these.", Missy said, showing everyone Ojo's drawing on the iPad. "Facemaker standing in to of the floating chairs. Noodles exploding the exercise ball with his hand..."

"She draw's what she sees. Such a big deal.", Wild Card said in a very bored tone.

"She drew these, five minutes before they happened.", Y/N continued, sending a fierce glance at Wild Card. "Ojo's power isn't that she can draw, it's that she can draw the future."

"Okay. Cool.", Wild Card said, still trying to act as if he was bored. "Good for Ojo. What's your point?"

"She also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room.", Missy said, sowing everyone the drawing.

"There.", Y/N pointed to the green air vent. All of them turned to look behind them and look at the vent. Noodles gasped and said, "Woah, you're saying they'll be coming from in there?"

"She's right! All these drawings make more sense to me now.", Wheels said, His eyes glued to the iPad screen. "Ojo can see wat the future is going to be like."

"Let me get this straight, some new girl shows up with absolutely zero powers, and suddenly were all going to do what she says?", Wild Card asked angrily.

"Seems like she's got a point.", A Capella said.

"She has a point.", Y/N said, forming a snowball in her right palm of her hand. "Just a moment ago you agreed that we wasn't safe here."

"We're safer in here than running around out there with your sister playing 'captain'.", Wild Card shot at Y/N.

"I just want to get out of here.", Missy said, returning the iPad to Ojo. Y/N held the snowball and stood by her sister, "If anybody wants to join Missy and I, you're free to follow."

"Fine!", Wild Card said, standing up the walking over to Y/N. "We're getting out of here. But only because I say so, you got that?" Y/N nodded and turned to Missy, "What's the plan? Granada said the place is on full lockdown, there will be guards everywhere."

"Yeah, Missy.", Wild Card said, standing next to Y/N. "What's your plan?"

"Well, I figured this is kind of making an omelette.", Missy starting saying, walking towards the vault door. "You always start by...."

"Breaking some eggs.", Noodles finished, his head stretched all the way over to Missy, and they both faced the door.

Facemaker made his way to the door and opened it slightly and said, "Hey, is that up dog?"

"What's up dog?", one of the stupid guards said from outside.

"Not much.", Facemaker shrugged like it was nothing. "Just living my best life in here. Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything."

Facemaker grinned so wide he looked like the Cheshire cat and his eyebrows furrowed deeper than the ocean as he backed u into the room where all his friends was. The three guards walked into the safe room, and one of the guards shut the door behind them.

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